Care "A green mountains on both sides of the river"

Author:Guangxi Satellite TV Time:2022.06.15


The green mountains on both sides of the strait come out, and the river is here.

In recent years, Guilin City has adhered to ecological markets, green development, and practically practicing the "two mountain theory", and the comprehensive management of ecological ecological governance in Lijiang has achieved remarkable results. Recently, the reporter visited the rule of Lijiang ecology from the source of Lijiang to the end of the Lijiang River, and deeply felt the change of the ecology of the Lijiang River.

Yijiang Qingshui witness the change of ecology

The Lijiang River in summer is beautiful.

Walking on both sides of the Lijiang River, there can be a beautiful scroll that is harmoniously coexisting with nature along the way. The water of the Lijiang River is graceful, the bamboo rafts are swaying, the green peaks on both sides of the strait are standing, and the green bamboo mother -in -law is hugged.

But who could have thought that the clear Lijiang water had also suffered a crisis. Fish restaurants are flooding, poultry and animal breeding sewage is directly discharged, and 18 stone picking farms in the scenic spot make this beautiful river shame.

"Treatment of chaos, water governance, governing the mountains, and root causes", Guilin people have launched the battle against comprehensive governance of the Lijiang River. All the quarry of the Lijiang River Basin was closed and re -green. Today, the forest coverage rate of the Lijiang River Basin exceeds 80%. The dry flow water quality has maintained the category II standards all year round. The centralized treatment rate of urban sewage is increased to more than 99%.

"Guilin is expanding the practice of dry flow protection to the whole basin." Qin Rongjun, deputy director of the Management Committee of the Lijiang Scenic Area, said that the water system of the Lijiang River Basin was developed. In addition to more than 160 kilometers of dry flow, there were more than 450 tributaries. More beautiful and vast landscape scrolls.

Along the coast of Gantang River in Li, the reporter saw that many people were camping. According to reports, many companies such as the original steel factories and cement plants on both sides of the Gantang River, the wastewater in the riverside, and the waste residue piled up the river beach. Now these companies have relocated to the industrial park and the river bank has become a leisure park.

While the scope of ecological governance is getting wider and wider, Guilin City is also constantly exploring and improving the governance mechanism.

Talking about the governance of Lijiang, Qin Rongjun was moody. More than 10 years ago, he took more than a dozen staff members to investigate and deal with illegal quarry. As a result, he was sealed by the boulder and was besieged by dozens of people. "There are many such stories at the time. The problem lies in the relevant regulations of the Lijiang River."

In 2012, Guangxi began to implement the first local comprehensive ecological environmental protection regulations "Regulations on Ecological Environmental Protection of the Lijiang River Basin in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region"; in 2013, the "Guilin Lijiang Landscape Famous Plan (2013-2025)" was officially introduced. Legislation promotes the Lijiang ecological governance mechanism from administrative control to the protection of the rule of law.

Not only the green mountains on both sides of the strait, but also the industrial system. Guilin Yida Textile Co., Ltd. is a key enterprise introduced by Xiangshan District. According to the Ecological Environmental Protection Regulations of the Lijiang River Basin, the district eventually determines that companies can only build zero -emission production lines such as spinning and clothing in Guilin.

It is understood that at present Guilin has received the project approval power in the Lijiang River Basin to complete the city -level level, comprehensively constructing the green industrial system that is compatible with the most stringent ecological protection. At present, it has gradually established advantageous industries such as electronic information, advanced equipment manufacturing, and biomedicine.

Lijiang ecological comprehensive governance is unprecedented

Protective efforts are constantly upgrading, what should I do if traditional industries do? Guilin City gave its own answers.

Guilin Sanjin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a "old -fashioned" Chinese medicine production enterprise. Ten years ago, Sanjin Pharmaceutical responded to the call and moved from the central urban area passed through Lijiang to the Yangtang Industrial Park in Lingui District.

There were many traditional enterprises such as pharmaceuticals, cotton spinning, and machinery on both sides of the Lijiang River. Since 2000, Guilin has promoted the "retreat of two -in and three" policies, and the second industry has moved to the industrial park in an orderly manner to move space for the tertiary industry. This helps to solve the contradiction between the shortage of production bases and the rapid development of enterprises, and also relieves the pressure of the ecological carrying of Lijiang.

The Lijiang River Basin has a large population, and the relationship between ecological protection and people's livelihood protection is difficult. The reporter saw in an interview on both sides of the Lijiang River that under the guidance of the government, the local people are transforming from traditional breeding, traditional operations to ecological agriculture, and tourism services.

There were more than 300 farms within 500 meters around the water source Qingshitan Reservoir on the upstream of the Lijiang River. In 2019, the reporter saw in an interview with Wumei Village, Five Mei Village, Flame Township, Lingchuan County, Lingchuan County. Many villagers are being shut down for pig farms. And sad.

Recently, when the reporter went to Wumei Village, he found that the village developed the edible fungus industry. Many villagers participated in it. Some villagers started farmhouses. Everyone was confident in a better life.

Fulongzhou is a small island on the Lijiang River. There are more than 130 original residents on the island. In the past, every household opened a restaurant on the island. The oil was directly discharged from the Lijiang River.

Since 2015, Guilin City has carried out ecological restoration and transformation of Fulongzhou, removed all fish restaurants on the island, and relocated to the islanders. Today, Fulongzhou has transformed into an ecological park, with nearly 80 acres of small islands and shaded trees and birds.

During the interview, Huang Gang, a 69 -year -old resident, took his grandson back to the island for a walk. The changes in life made him very emotional. Huang Gang said that in 2019, his family of six moved into a commercial house in the urban area from Fulongzhou. His son and daughter -in -law found a job in electronic factories and insurance companies, and the family lived a good life.

The problem of domestic sewage is the "boss difficulty" of riversal ecology. In recent years, Guilin City has invested 100 billion yuan of funds to govern this illness, and the phenomenon of direct drainage of Lijiang sewage has changed fundamentally. Recently, the reporter visited and found that the lives of the people on both sides of the strait are now "green", which not only prohibits the division of the recuperation and restricted areas, but also has sewage treatment stations in villages and villages. Let the people share ecological dividends

The beauty of the Lijiang River is in the ecology, focusing on the harmonious sharing and symbiosis of man and nature. Today, the ecological articles in the Lijiang River Basin are becoming more and more lively, and the ecological industry and cultural tourism industry are in the ascendant.

Entering "The First Village of the Source of Lijiang" Gaozhai Village, Huajiang Yao Township, Xing'an County, the bamboo forest is swaying and the stream is translucent. The operation of the homestay and the farmhouse.

The villager Deng Fengzhi has 14 guest rooms. He said that every time in the tourist season, the room was always full. The villagers used to maintain their livelihood with chopping bamboo. Now most of them have devoted themselves to ecological industries such as special tourism and Chinese herbal medicine.

It is located in Mingcun, a Valley Hui Township, Yanshan District. It is surrounded by the mountains on three sides. Because it is located in the scenic spot, the road cannot be constructed. For a long time, the villagers can only walk around the ferry. Let the masses frown.

In order to let the villagers eat "ecological rice", the local government repaired the Mingcun Wharf, and bought a large ferry, and actively guided the villagers to develop the yellow -skinned fruit industry. "Visitors can experience picking and leisure tourism here, and our village will get better and better." Villager Huang Wenjun said.

Yangshuo Mountains and Rivers Guilin. In order to allow the people to share the ecological dividend, the local explores the road of "protecting the people and sharing interests". The Lijiang Scenic Area Management Co., Ltd. was established in Yangshuo County to uniformly acquire and manage tens of thousands of disorderly bamboo rafts, organize raft workers, and issue certificates to appraisers and hire them.

The 54 -year -old Zhao Tu Bao was a raft worker in the Lijiang Scenic Area. He said that in the past, there were bamboo rafts in the villagers' homes to pull guests. Sometimes the price was long, and sometimes it was a low price to grab business. Now everyone takes jobs, and the bamboo rafts and farmers are not wrong.

Zhao Tu Bao calculated a account for reporters: Under normal circumstances, he earns more than 30,000 yuan by padding bamboo rafts every year. In addition to labor income, a family of three people can get more than 3,000 yuan in scenic spots each year. In addition, he and his wife still take care of 10 acres of fruit trees at home, and the family's annual income can exceed 60,000 yuan.

Jin Jinfeng, deputy general manager of Lijiang Scenic Area Management Co., Ltd. of Yangshuo County, said that after the company was established, it provided employment opportunities for nearly 10,000 people along the river; in addition, more than 56,000 people in five towns and towns along the river could get the dividends of the scenic spot each year. "Scenic area radiation drives the surrounding people on the road of common prosperity."

In the Liecai District that passed through the city, the ancient Song City historical and cultural district of more than 1 billion yuan released unlimited potential; the Sunac International Tourism Resort introduced by Yanshan District invested 16 billion yuan to become a new landmark in Guilin Cultural Tourism ... … Since April last year, Guilin has continuously released the ecological value of green water and green mountains with the goal of building a world -class tourist city.

Today, the Lijiang River, the green and green ecological beauty, and the results of green development are transforming into a real sense of gain. "The ecology of Lijiang has improved every day, and our living standards have also risen with the water." Guilin Tourism Co., Ltd. Lijiang Cruise Branch Captain Huang Youcai said.

Manuscript Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph to smell

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