There are me in the provincial capital 丨 cadres sink, the problems are touched, and they will sell them one by one!Hundred cadres and enterprises in Yuhua Economic Development Zone "go to two -way go"

Author:Rainflower release Time:2022.07.19

"Electric power! Powerful!" On July 18th, the night more than ten days ago, Liu Mengqiong, the person in charge of the construction unit of the Kefu project construction unit, still remembers: Among the cheers from dozens of staff, Kefu Medical New The site of the base power distribution project was as bright as daylight.

The park is a gathering area for industrial development. It is an important engine and an important carrier of the economic development of economic development. It is also the main battlefield and main position for promoting high -quality development! Therefore, it is necessary to focus on gathering force and help the enterprises in the park to strengthen and greater the park in order to promote the high -quality development of the park. Recently, Huahua walked into the Yuhua Economic Development Zone, experienced the "love atmosphere" of the park and the enterprise, and felt the "two -way travel" of cadres and enterprises.

Light "the light of the heart" for the enterprise

"If there is no full process guidance and coordination of the park, the construction of power distribution projects cannot be completed so quickly." Liu Mengqiong told Huahua that in March of this year, Kefu Medical launched the construction of a new base power distribution project. According to the normal construction speed, it exceeded 4 million more than 4 million The construction cycle of the yuan power grid project can not be completed in about one year.

Time is benefits, enterprises can't afford it!

After visiting the company's demands, the Yuhua Economic Development Zone Development and Construction Co., Ltd. actively docking to optimize the construction plan for the enterprise, choose to set up an air line from the roadside, control the investment amount within 4 million, and actively coordinate it many times. Ensure that the electricity is successfully delivered before June 30.

"On the day of power, the cadres in the park had been left until they left before leaving. This spirit of serving the enterprise was particularly moved!" Liu Mengqiong said.

And this is just a microcosm of the Yuhua Economic Development Zone promoting the actions of thousands of cadres this year to solve the problem of enterprises. There, there are still many moving assistance stories.

From "Primary Er" to "Expert"

Let the "expert" be a "steward"

Since the province's mobilization conference on June 14 this year, the Yuhua Economic Development Zone has quickly formulated the "Special Action Plan for the Special Action of the Rain Economic Development Zone" Sending Policy, Difficulties, and Excellent Services ". There are 8 working groups to screen from the park to adjust 100 liaison officers with experience, policies, and responsibility.

After strict and standardized professional training, they turned into "shop primary two" and sank to 48 key projects and more than 200 key enterprises in the park. They are not only liaison officers in enterprises, party building instructors, but also corporate epidemic prevention instructors and safety supervisors.

On July 7, Hunan Shenyi Precision Parts Co., Ltd., a leading enterprise in the area under the jurisdiction of Yuhua Economic Development Zone, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the China Construction Third Bureau.

Huahua noticed that in order to help enterprises improve quality and upgrade more accurately, the park's innovation this year should be proposed that it is necessary to change from "secondary" to "experts" and let "experts" be "steward". Attach importance to service capabilities. From the aspects of financial services, technical support, corporate management, and marketing, three -dimensional -style provides enterprises with expert -type and housekeeper services to help enterprises develop high -quality development.

As of now, more than 200 co -enterprise cadres of more than 200 provincial, cities, districts, and parks have completed the full coverage of the visiting enterprises. The reading volume of electronic pocket books has reached more than 1,000 times. 32 companies declare special funds for industrial development in Changsha; coordinate 16 financial institutions service park enterprises, with a total credit of 3.204 billion yuan, and total lending of 1.02 billion yuan ...

"Policy Express" drives to entrepreneur "Heart Cans"

In order to help enterprises enjoy the policy dividend, the park carefully organizes the policy "pocket book" formulated by the provincial, municipal, district, and parks, and sent it to the hands of each enterprise through liaison officers in the enterprise. At present, the park is launching the realization of the 2021 industrial support policy. The policy declaration materials of 146 enterprises in the park have been accepted, and the "exemption is" reward will be fulfilled. At the same time, the Yuhua Economic Development Zone Innovation launched the "Policy Express" enterprise service APP, which tailor -made the annual application plan for 200 companies, and accurately delivered the "big gift package" of the benefit enterprise policy to achieve full coverage of the joint point.

As an important parts supporting provider of China United Heavy Sciences, Sanyi, Xingbang Intelligent, China Construction, China Railway and other companies, Hunan Shenyi Precision Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenyi Precision") is the leading domestic The one -stop parts integrated solution provider integrating standard parts product research and development, process design, assembly guidance, product sales and on -site service providers, which is also a key enterprise in the park. Since 2021, the park has won 5.84 million yuan for various policies. Since the beginning of this year, the relevant departments of the park have tailored this year's project to apply for the project through the "Policy Express" APP. With the support of the park, Shenyi Precision completed the declaration of two policies of 100 major product innovation and strong base projects in Hunan Province and two policies for high -tech enterprises. On July 12, the Yuhua Economic Development Zone launched the 2022 enterprise transformation and upgrade project to provide enterprises with "one enterprise, one policy" precise transformation service, and promote the intelligent and digital upgrade of enterprises.

Stabilizing enterprises is to stabilize the economy. Since the beginning of this year, various policies benefit 1,019 enterprises in the park, and the funds for the benefit of enterprises have reached 630 million yuan, of which the amount of tax reduction, tax refund, and redemption has reached 607 million yuan. That is, the amount of policies supported 43.98 million.

The park's economy has achieved rapid growth. From January to June this year, the park is expected to complete the total output value of the scale of the scale by 19%year-on-year. It is estimated that the investment in fixed assets in the whole society will increase by 26.3%year -on -year; it is expected to complete the industrial investment by 49.1%year -on -year; it is expected that the investment of high -tech industrial investment will increase by 52.7%year -on -year.

Source 丨 Chen Jing, a reporter from the district Rong Media Center

Responsible editor 丨 Editor Huang Jingkang 丨 Fu Yamei

Deputy Chief Editor on Duty 丨 Li Lei

Editor -in -chief on duty 丨 Xiong Qiyu

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