[New Era Civilization Practice in Licheng] Silk Road Street Silk Road Community: Aid Xinqing warm -warm Silk Road doctor benevolent volunteer

Author:Korla Rong Media Center Time:2022.06.15

"Thank you, doctors, doctors ..." Kilakumi Yusus, a resident in the No. 36 community, thanked the free clinic expert Wu Pengfei.


Recently, the Civilization Practice Station of the Silk Road Silk Road Community on the Silk Road Street and the headquarters in front of Shijiazhuang City aid work headquarters carried out volunteer service activities to establish a "Shijiazhuang City Aid Medical Team Volunteer Service Room" in the Silk Road community, The medical team used weekend breaks to launch a batch of rotation clinics in the community to win unanimous praise from the residents.


On June 11, the Silk Road Community "Shijiazhuang City Aid Medical Team Volunteer Service Room" was officially launched. The first rotating expert doctor of Shijiazhuang's aid medical team immediately put into work. In view of the community consultation and consultation, most of the elderly are the elderly, the aid medical experts first carry out health knowledge preaching activities for the prevention of the elderly such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and coronary heart disease.


During the free consultation, the medical experts in Xinjiang carefully inquired, carefully viewed various medical examination indicators, and used the instrumental instrument to measure the blood sugar and blood pressure on the spot, analyzed the cause in combination with the medical records of the medical history. , Daily inspection, usual maintenance, etc. make detailed suggestions.

The first free clinic of "Shijiazhuang City Support Xinjiang Medical Team Volunteer Service Room" received a total of more than 50 residents. The enthusiastic services, rigorous attitudes, and professional knowledge of Shijiazhuang's aid medical experts have been well received by residents of the community.


Liu Liang, the first secretary of the Silk Road Community, said: "The" Silk Road Community and Shijiazhuang City Aid Headquarters co -established the "Aid Medical Team Volunteer Service Room", which really brought advanced medical concepts and knowledge to our masses' At the door of the house, the status quo of the community residents, especially the elderly in the empty nest, and the elderly in the empty nest is not professional, and the medical treatment is not timely, ensuring the health of the community residents, but also promoting the interaction and exchanges between various nations in mutual assistance. The next step , The new era of the Silk Road Community Civilization Practice Station will also broaden their ideas, further discover the advantages of resource forces in the jurisdiction, and increase service work for the people to a new height. "

Correspondent Chen Zehao

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