China's industrial high -quality development of the macroeconomic "cockpit stone" role appears

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.20

"In the second quarter, the value -added of manufacturing above designated size accounted for 28.8%of GDP, an increase of 1.4 percentage points from 2021; manufacturing investment increased by 7.4%, which was 3.2 percentage points higher than the increase in fixed asset investment; The contribution rate of industrial growth exceeds 70 %. "The data of this group is the epitome of industrial and informatization development in the first half of 2022.

It can be seen that in the first half of this year, the domestic industrial economy stabilized and rebounded, showing a trend of restoring growth, and giving full play to the role of the macroeconomic "cockpit stone". In order to more comprehensively tell the development of China's industrial development, it can also be analyzed from three aspects of investment, consumption and export.

In terms of investment, investment is related to the overall economic development situation, which is of great significance to invest in industrial and information products. While promoting high -quality industrial development, it also affects the structure of consumption and exports.

In the first half of the year, investment in high -tech industries increased by 20.2%, of which investment in high -tech manufacturing and high -tech service industries increased by 23.8%and 12.6%, respectively. In high -tech manufacturing, the investment in electronics and communication equipment manufacturing, medical instruments, equipment and instrument manufacturing industry increased by 28.8%and 28.0%, respectively. This is confirming that my country's economic innovation has continued to increase, and the trend of upgrading and development has not changed.

In terms of consumption, consumption, as the most sensitive nerve in economic operation, is an important engine of economic development. Investment in the field of high -tech manufacturing will eventually pass to the consumer market through products, and product quality determines the progress of consumption upgrade, which is closely related to the high -quality development of the industry.

In the consumption composition, automobiles, home appliances and other products have high technological content and high requirements for the industrial chain supply chain. With the reduction of some passenger vehicles, subsidies for new energy vehicles, green energy -saving subsidies for home appliances, and "replacement of old new", such as the implementation of consumer policies, in June, automobiles, household appliances and audiovisual equipment of units above the limited amount or above Retails increased by 13.9%and 3.2%year -on -year, both of which increased significantly from May. Two types of goods retail sales increased the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the month by more than 1.5 percentage points.

In terms of exports, with the rapid economic development, my country's export product structure has changed significantly. From the beginning of reform and opening up, the proportion of high -tech products that are gradually transitioning to the current high -tech products is increasing.

According to data from the General Administration of Customs, in the first half of the year, the exports of electrical equipment, integrated circuits, and automobiles in my country increased by 24.8%, 16.4%, and 51.1%respectively. 55.7%of my country's total export value to other BRICS countries. Among them, the exports of new energy products such as solar batteries and lithium ion batteries increased by 99.7%and 67.3%, respectively.

After comprehensive investment, consumption, and exports, we can more objectively reflect the current status of my country's industrial development, and fully show the trend of stabilizing my country's industrial economy in the first half of the year.

In the next step, it is necessary to focus on increasing varieties, quality, and brand -creation strategies, and coordinate with both ends of supply and demand to continuously improve industrial consumer goods products and service supply capabilities, and better meet the people's growing needs of a better life. (Yan Yue)

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