Weishan Lake Tourist Area: Infrastructure improvement to create a high -quality tourist environment

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.07.20

Jining News Network (Reporter Cao Kukou Qin Bozhen) In recent years, the Weishan Lake tourist area has implemented 27 key projects such as improving infrastructure, improvement of attractions, and smart tourism in the tourist area. The 5A -level tourist attraction lays a solid foundation.

Feng Haiting, an explanator of the Weishan Lake Tourism Area, said: "At that time, the anti -Japanese armed forces active in the lake area were received. They received instructions from superiors and were ordered to be ordered. In the spring of 1942, a new secret traffic line on the lake was opened. On this traffic line, they Cooperate with each other, escort our party cadres nearly a thousand, travel back and forth, and there is no error in the middle. "

Since summer, the number of tourists visiting Weishan Lake tourist areas has gradually increased. As a well -known anti -Japanese base, in the red gene of the Lake District, in 1994, Weishan County built a railway guerrilla Memorial Park in Weishan Island. After the establishment of 5A -level scenic spots in the tourist area, it has been transformed and promoted to the memorial park and exhibition hall. It comprehensively uses historical exhibition boards, scenes, multimedia and other means to vividly show the anti -Japanese armed guerrillas under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Glory history.

Zhu Changchun, manager of Weishan Island Scenic Area of ​​Weishan Lake Tourism Area, said: "Utilized some high -tech methods to reproduce some scenes of our revolutionary martyrs in that era, so that tourists can better understand our Weishan Lake Railway guerrillas And our revolutionary armed forces such as Weishan Lake Canal and Weihu Brigade have some great achievements on the hot soil of Weishan Lake. "

The reconstruction commemorative garden, including the Chen Memorial Hall, Hongqi Plaza, Monument Square and landscape trails, etc., to wipe the business card of Weishan Lake more brighter.

Tourist Wei Rongrong told reporters: "There are many exhibitions, all of which are from that era, and these statues can let me bring me into that era, very good."

In addition to the improvement of hardware facilities, the Weishan Lake Tourism Area also focused on improving the level of informationization and implemented the smart scenic spot project. Through information systems such as the construction command and dispatch center, electronic ticket system, one -stop tourist service system, and cruise positioning management system, the intelligent management of scenic spots has been realized to provide tourists with convenient tourism services.

Ms. Zhang said: "Today, I came here to play with the tickets of the minimum, that is, buying the ticket directly, and then entering the scenic area directly through the QR code, and I entered the scenic area through a smart parking system. You can make an appointment in advance. You can make an appointment in advance Parking space, I feel particularly convenient. "

Zhu Guangkuo, manager of the smart scenic spot of Weishan Lake Tourism Zone, said: "We will build the comprehensive management system and subsystems of the Scenic Area on the basis of continuous improvement, improvement and optimization of the construction system to achieve unified dispatch management, data and business of each subsystem Realize integration, continuously strengthen the informationization and intelligent management of scenic spots, and continuously improve the experience of tourists' experience and supervision services. "

At present, the Weishan Lake tourist area has invested 700 million yuan. Newly -built and rebuilt visitor centers, ecological parking lots, tourist docks, highway stations and other facilities, set up panoramic maps, tourism traffic signs, tourist toilets, and the environment of the scenic area has been greatly improved.

Chen Peng, deputy director of the Jining Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, said: "The successful creation of the 5A -level scenic spot this time has made the Weishan Lake tourist area stand at a brand new development starting point. Next, we will continue to consolidate the results of 5A creations while firmly and firmly. Establish the ideas centered on tourists, vigorously enhance the refined and subtle level of the management services of our scenic spots, and create a service brand of "Smile Weishan". Visitors get a better travel experience in the scenic area. "

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