Shanxi four departments jointly issued a notice

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.07.20

Shanxi Provincial People's Procuratorate Shanxi Provincial Public Security Department of Shanxi Province Shanxi Province Shanxi Provincial Justice Department of Shanxi Province on urging the executed person to consciously fulfill the obligations of the effective legal documents to determine the obligations

In order to further promote the "Three Jin Dynasty Executive Swords" concentration operations, ensure the timely realization of legal rights and interests in accordance with the law, and safeguard the legal dignity and judicial authority, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", "The Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", According to the Opinions of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council, "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Credit Supervision, Warning and Disciplinary Mechanism" of the person who executed the person who were executed by the person who were executed by the person who were executed by the person who were executed "and the Shanxi Provincial Higher People's Court, the Shanxi Provincial People's Procuratorate, and the Shanxi Provincial Public Security Department" Regarding the refusal to implement The relevant provisions of the effective judgment and the guidance of criminal cases "and other relevant regulations, the executive person who executed the case at all levels in the province's executive cases consciously fulfilled the obligation to determine the effectiveness of the effective legal documents as follows: as follows:

I. The effective judgment and ruling made by the people's court in accordance with the law reflect the national will and legal authority. The executed person should consciously actively perform it. Natural persons, legal persons, and other organizations with assistance to enforcement of obligations must actively assist in the implementation of the people's court.

2. Any executor who has not fulfilled the obligation to determine the obligation to determine the effectiveness of the legal documents in the Shanxi Provincial Court of Third Court of Shanxi Province and has not fulfilled or did not fulfill or complete the effectiveness of the legal documents. Avoid the enforcement of the people's court.

Third, the executed person who does not apply for property nor actively fulfilling legal obligations within the statutory period. The people's court will take measures to restrict high consumption and incorporate the list of people who have been incorporated into the execution of the person in accordance with the law. Financial institutions, aviation, railways and other relevant departments conduct joint punishment. For the person who has taken the person in the dishonesty, the person who has restricted loans, investment, and specific industries, restrict application for government subsidy funds and social security funds, restrict participation in the bidding of construction projects, purchase real estate land, restrict recruitment as civil servants, enlisted party enlisted, evaluated and promoted, restricted担任党代表、人大代表及政协委员候选人,限制出入境、星级酒店食宿、旅游度假,限制乘坐飞机、列车软卧、G字头动车组全部座位、其他动车组列车一等以上座位,以及The media's public exposure and other disciplinary measures until all its obligations were fulfilled.

4. If the executed person unconsciously fulfill its obligations within the statutory period, and avoids, obstructs and resist the enforcement of the people's court, the people's court will take compulsory measures such as fines and detention in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. The executors and relevant personnel who suspected of constituting the crime of rejection of judgment, ruling, rejection of labor remuneration, obstructing public duties, and illegal disposal, seizure, and frozen property were executed. In accordance with the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws and regulations, the criminal responsibility of the executed person and relevant personnel is resolutely investigated in accordance with the law.

5. Criminals who have the ability to perform their ability to perform without fulfilling or not fully fulfill their active judgments in criminal referees, in accordance with the "Supreme People's Court on the Specific Applied Laws of Settlement of Settlement and Palming Cases". Gives parole.

6. Units or individuals who have assisted obligations, refuse or hinder the people's court investigation and obtain evidence, or have a ventilation letter to the parties, assist them in transfer, and hide their property. If you are detaining and constitute a crime, he is investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

7. The executed person with specific identities such as public officials shall model the laws and regulations of the country, and consciously fulfill the obligations of the effective legal documents. The people's court has the executive person who refuses to fulfill the obligation to determine the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the effectiveness. In addition to taking compulsory enforcement measures in accordance with the law, it will also notify the relevant departments, and the relevant functional departments will be dealt with seriously according to law.

8. Applicants should actively provide clues to the property of the person, and fully exercise the "Explanation of the Supreme People's Court on the Trial of Judgment and Ruling Several Issues of Criminal Cases to Prosecution." Legal rights and interests.

Nine, welcome and encourage the public to actively report the property clues and whereabouts of the person's executed person, and assist in supervising the high consumption behavior of the executed person. If the property clues provided by the reporter are verified and the actual execution is in place, the people's court will be rewarded according to the announcement of the reward announcement, and strictly keep the reporters confidential.

Integrity is the foundation of standing, and the law of law is the obligation of citizens. Here, we have severely urged all the executors who should fulfill their obligations without fully fulfilling their obligations to determine the obligations of the legal documents, and actively to perform their obligations to the creditor or the executive court; If the people's courts are compulsory, they will pay the cost of economic, credit, and personal freedom, and they will be limited and difficult in social activities.


Source: Shanxi Published

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