Protecting the cultivated land in Sichuan Province, "Opinions on the Implementation of Tianchang System" like a panda!

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.07.20

How to implement the strictest arable land protection system? How to keep the bottom line of food safety?

Today, the Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference on the "Opinions on Comprehensive Implementation of the Tianchang System". The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, and the Provincial Forest and Grass Bureau interpreted the documents.

据悉,《关于全面推行田长制的意见》由省委办公厅、省政府办公厅联合印发,明确提出“像保护大熊猫一样保护耕地”,坚决遏制耕地“非农化”、严格管控“非"Food", firmly adhere to the bottom line of cultivated land protection and food safety, ensure that by the end of 2022, the provincial, municipal, county, township, and village five -level field -level system responsibility systems are initially established. Tian Chang is responsible for a piece of farmland. By the end of 2025, Tian Chang's responsibility was compacted, and the working mechanism was further improved to form a new pattern of cultivated land protection with more powerful protection, smoother implementation, management more efficient, and stricter supervision.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News reporter Chen Yong Editor He Qi Tie Editor Liu Yonghao Picture Chen Yong

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