Exploring!Take you into the three major exhibition halls of the Youth Fair

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.07.20

Qinghai News Network · Damei Qinghai Client News Welcome to the 23rd Qing Fair and the Second Ecological Expo with the theme of "Open Cooperation · Green Development".

Entering the Qinghai International Convention and Exhibition Center, the colorful flags are flying and the Tao flags are led. In the three halls of A, B, and C, the exhibition is in the air. Under the intensive and orderly work of the workers at the scene, the atmosphere, novel, colorful, and open exhibition halls are gradually taking shape.

In the future, what is the appearance of modern Qinghai, Qingqian Convention and Exhibition Hall tells you!

Three major venues and three themes.

Entering the exhibition hall and touching the pulse of the times, you will understand the vivid practice of building an ecological civilization highland and accelerating the "four places" of the industry, and feel a brand new Qinghai, a different Qinghai, and a future Qinghai.

Hall A: Hong Kong and Taiwan set up a museum promotion for the first time

Hall A is the domestic international exhibition hall. The 31 exhibition halls and 2 comprehensive service areas in the museum are lined up in turn. The provinces, districts and municipal exhibition halls adopt the form of texture, video, physical models, and special products through acoustic and photoelectric technology. Measures. Red is the main color Tibetan hall, blue sky, white clouds, grasslands ... to make people see a panoramic view; the Jiangsu Pavilion with green, technological innovation and green development have achieved bright achievements. The Hong Kong exhibition area and the Taiwan exhibition area are the first time to participate in the Youth Fair. The reporter saw at the hard installation site. In addition to the regional review, the two exhibition halls also set up small stage, physical exhibition area, corporate promotion area, etc. Constructing the stage with Qinghai to promote development with a multi -angle.

Hall B: Tell the story of Damei Qinghai

Hall B is the Qinghai Ecological Museum. This is a highlight exhibition hall of the current Youth Fair. The construction of "four places", the digital economy, and the construction of "six modern new Qinghai" are the content displayed by the exhibition hall. At present, the Qinghai Provincial Comprehensive Exhibition Area has begun to be taken shape. Blue is "sky" and white is "curtain". The ribbon design makes the exhibition hall beautiful.

In the "four places" section of the industry, the reporter saw that in the exhibition area of ​​the world -class salt lake industry base, beautiful salt lake photos were hung on the outer wall, leading people into the "salt lake world". In a immersive experience area, with the 5 electronic screen played videos, the picture in front of the eyes shows you the unique beautiful Qinghai; in creating a high -area exhibition area of ​​the national clean energy industry, white, blue, and green symbolize Qinghai's good "scenery ", Here is a curved design exhibition, which makes people seem to be in the photovoltaic ocean in the vast Gobi; in the international ecological tourism destination area, a tourist route map of Da Mei Qinghai is being completed under the cleverness of the workers; The product output area exhibition area, the open layout makes the exhibition area refreshed, and a group of "green characters" brand products will become the protagonist here.

Hall C: There is a Tibetan blanket museum here

Hall C is the international Tibetan carpet hall. "Here we will gather boutique carpets of more than 60 domestic carpet companies to form a carpet world. In this museum, Nanchuan Industrial Park will specially set up a special tribute capital special area to develop the development of the Holy source carpet over the past year. The results of innovation are displayed. "Liang Te, deputy director of the Foreign Trade Department of the Provincial Department of Commerce.

In addition to the "carpet world", there is also a bright spot in the comprehensive exhibition area of ​​the South Hall of Hall C. "We have created a historical wall to show the development of the Tibetan blanket in our province in the past 19 years. At the same time, in order to let more people understand the Tibetan blankets and walk into the Tibetan blanket, we use a Tibetan blanket museum to put the raw materials and raw materials of the Tibetan blanket and the raw materials of the Tibetan blankets, and The craftsmanship, culture, history, cooperation and exchanges, and development trajectories are displayed one by one to make the Tibetan blanket capital towards a wider world. "Liang Te said.

Source: Xining Evening News Author: Zhang Guojing

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