Express cars capture uncivilized phenomena over 2000 cases to file 1560 cases

Author:Shanxi Evening News Time:2022.07.20

Shanxi Evening News (Reporter Xu Jingjing Zhongqing Correspondent Yang Huibin Zhang Qiliang) The "tongue stretching" operation of the shop, garbage stacked on the road, and vehicles parked in violation of regulations ... These uncivilized phenomena may be automatically captured by the express delivery tricycle. On July 18th, Shanxi SF released news: Taiyuan City currently has 20 express electric tricycles with smart cameras with automatic recognition and capture functions. The information collected by the courier car reaches more than 2,000 pieces. 1560, the average filing rate is 76.1%, becoming an important supplement to the collection of artificial collection of urban management information in Taiyuan.

In order to improve the level of refinement of urban management, the Taiyuan City Comprehensive Management Service Command Center explores the new model of "urban co -construction and co -management". With the help of SF Group Fengtu Technology's information collection system, trying to make courier cars a new channel for collecting urban management issues Essence The Taiyuan City Comprehensive Management Service Command Center cooperated with express companies and technology companies. In December last year, the first batch of 20 courier tricycles for Shanxi SF was equipped with smart cameras, distributed in Yingze District, Xinghuaying District and Jinyuan District. The express brother does not need to operate when there is an uncivilized phenomenon along the way. The camera can automatically capture more than ten categories of urban management problems that damage the appearance of the city, and send the image and orientation information to the background system. After the initial screening and artificial review of the background, the accurate collection information will be transmitted to the urban management, and the personnel will be arranged to handle them.

It is reported that after more than half a year, this model has achieved good results.

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