One picture of Tianjin's existing high, middle and low risk zone is read, and a certain report I have visited

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.20

The reporter learned from the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters that according to the situation of the epidemic prevention and control, the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters issued an important reminder: those who have visited the city's high, low -risk zone must report to the community in time, and strictly implement the corresponding control and control Measures, do a good job of personal protection. Those who have a history of living in high risk areas within 7 days take a 7 -day concentrated isolation medical observation; personnel who have a history of living in the mid -risk zone within 7 days, adopt 7 Heavenly House isolation medical observations. Those who have a history of low -risk areas within 7 days should complete two nucleic acid detection and do a good job of health monitoring within 3 days.

In order to effectively protect the lives of the people's lives and health, and quickly and effectively block the risk of spreading the spread of epidemic, in accordance with the relevant provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the prevention and control of the epidemic, after comprehensive research and judgment by the expert group, there are currently 6 high -risk zones and 4 mid -risk zones 4 There are 4 low -risk areas. The announcement of the new risk zone will be announced as follows:

From July 19th, buildings 1, 2, and 3 of Yangchengli, Changhong Street, Nankai District, and No. 4, 5, and 6 of Luo Jiangxi, Jiangxi, Jialing Road, are high -risk areas.

Since July 19, the 8, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Hangzhou Road Street, Hangzhou Road, Hedong District, delineates the high -risk zone.

From July 19, it is determined that Luojiangli (except Buildings 4, 5, and 6) in Jialing Road Street, Nankai District is the medium -risk zone.

Since July 19, other buildings outside the above high -risk areas of Shanghang Road, Heidong District, are delineated.

From July 19, the areas of Shanghang Road Street, Hedong District, areas except the high and outside the central risk area are low -risk areas.

In high -risk areas, the management and control measures such as "not leaving home and on -site services" are implemented, and residents will regularly test nucleic acid testing. On the 3rd and 7th day of nucleic acid testing, there were no new infections for 7 consecutive days, and all personnel in the risk area on the 7th day of the risk area were all negative and reduced to medium -risk zone; Infected, the nucleic acid test was performed on the third day, and all personnel's nucleic acid screening was negative and reduced to a low -risk zone.

In the mid -risk zone, the control measures such as "no district and peaks" are implemented. In principle, residents, in principle, under the premise of strictly implementing personal protection, each household can arrange 1 person per day to collect or receive online shopping items in the designated area in accordance with the "time -sharing and orderly, partition flow restrictions" method. Residents followed the unified arrangement and went downstairs to the designated location in an orderly manner for nucleic acid testing. On the first 3 and 7 days of nucleic acid testing, there were no new infections for 7 consecutive days, and all personnel in the risk area on the 7th day of the risk area were negative and reduced to a low risk zone.

In low risk areas, preventive measures such as "personal protection and avoiding gathering" are implemented. Strengthening social control, various types of personnel in the area carry out nucleic acid testing in accordance with the requirements, and implement measures for 3 consecutive days of "daily testing". During this period, try to reduce going out, not gathering, and not clinging up, and do personal protection when going out. Persons in low -risk areas need to not leave the low -risk zone, and it is necessary to hold a 48 -hour nucleic acid negative certificate across regions.

The city has established a material guarantee mechanism to fully ensure the supply of necessities. The majority of residents are requested to be at home with peace of mind. If there are special needs such as medical treatment, drug purchase, and relevant questions such as the abnormal health code code, you will contact the community in a timely manner. At the same time, in accordance with the Citizens' legal obligations in accordance with the "Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China", obey the unified arrangements of community staff, fully cooperate with the risk personnel to investigate and control, and accept investigation, sample collection, testing, and isolation treatment of infectious diseases in accordance with the law. When preventing and controlling measures, the relevant situation is provided truthfully. If symptoms such as fever, cough, taste (sniffon), and other symptoms report to the community as soon as possible, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the epidemic prevention and control The delay report, those who refuse to implement the prevention and control of the epidemic will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

The majority of residents are requested to pay close attention to the official authority to release information, not panic, rumors, rumors, and rumors. The above prevention and control measures stop the implementation time. If necessary, this announcement can be used as a certificate of leave.

Thank you for your understanding and support and strong cooperation of the Tianjin epidemic prevention and control work!

Jinyun reporter Zhao Yingyan

Source: Jinyun

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