13 cases of first sieve positive in Lanzhou, Lanzhou, Gansu

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.20

Yang Dezhi, deputy mayor of the Lanzhou Municipal People's Government of Gansu Province, introduced at a press conference held today that the test of a new round of national nucleic acid in Lanzhou was launched at 16:00 on July 19th.In the focus of property districts and urban villages, nucleic acid testing is carried out by households and personnel to ensure high -efficiency and high quality.As of 10:00 on July 20th, 34.541 million people had been sampled, and 2.6107 million passengers were completed, and 13 cases were first sieved.

From 10:00 on July 19th to 10:00, 3084 people were tracked and 1553 were densely connected, and corresponding control measures had been implemented.(The reporter Zhang Lei Zhang Leishan Zhang Jirui Wang Peng)

Source: CCTV News Client

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