Shanhai love, build a native!Xiangcheng County Jiande City supporting literary performances were held yesterday

Author:Metropolis Express Time:2022.06.15

In order to further create a good atmosphere of counterpart support in the whole society, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the cultural field of Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, last night, the cultural exchange performance of Ganzi mutual delivery of Ganzi and Sichuan Province in Zhejiang Province was held in Jiande.

"This cultural exchange is to thoroughly implement the national pairing policy of the East and the West, strengthen the in -depth cooperation between the two places, establish a platform for cultural exchange platforms in the East and West, and realize the vivid practice of western cultural resources and eastern capital technology, cultural and creative interaction." Cheng Xinghuo, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, said that he hopes that the two places will further strengthen regional cooperation, achieve mutual benefit and win -win results, gather wisdom and gather together to create a model of cultural collaboration between the East and the West, and create a beautiful cultural tourism business, industrial development and rural revitalization in the two places. future.

That night, the Xiangcheng County Art Troupe and literary performers brought a unique cultural feast for the people of Jiande.

A passionate dance "Love Full of Plateau" kicked off the whole party, led everyone to review the course of poverty alleviation in the township county and showed a unique plateau style. The performances and dance performances such as "Rewu", "Harvest", "New Era and New Ganzi" are staged one after another, expressing the deep friendship of the people of all ethnic groups in the township.

It is reported that the event also kicked off the prelude to the "Cultural Exchange of East and West Culture in Hangzhou Jiande · Ganzi Township". The rich vision and firm confidence inject new cultural connotation and spiritual motivation into the opposite support work.

Correspondent Jiang Tao Li Meng Photography Tang Yan

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