A notice of underground: hotels in the city do not host wedding banquets, birthday banquets, group banquets

Author:Peninsula Time:2022.07.20

On July 19, the website of the Beijing Municipal People's Government issued the "Guidelines for Prevention and Control and Control in Beijing Hotels (20th Edition)" (hereinafter referred to as "Guidelines"). Details &&

The "Guidelines" clearly pointed out that it is necessary to strictly control clustering activities, and in accordance with the principle of "unnecessary and not hosting", hotels in the city do not host group dinner activities such as wedding banquets, birthday banquets, group banquets (policy adjustments, separate notices); The city's hotels continue to strictly control the concentration activities such as conferences, training, forums, etc. (with policy adjustments, separate notices); core areas of hotels continue to suspend conference exhibitions, forums, training and other agglomeration activities (policy adjustments, separate notices).

Within 7 days, there are 1 cases of or above the county (city, district, flag) of the native new crown virus infection, and personnel who have not been in the country for less than 10 days (except Macau) shall not participate in the meeting and train in the hotel; Personnel must measure the temperature and scan code check code (not to replace the code with bright code) and check the 72 -hour kernel acid test negative proof. Meetings and training hosted by the hotel are attended by the personnel to Beijing.

The catering operating unit in the hotel must abide by the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of the New Crown Epidemium in the Catering Industry", strictly control the density of the flow of people, maintain a reasonable dining spacing, and advocate sitting at a time. The diners must wear a mask when they leave the dining table.

◆ Source: CCTV News Client

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