Government Bright | In the first half of the year, GDP increased by 3.6%year -on -year, and Shandong's "kinetic energy conversion" brought high growth Shandong Time:2022.07.20

Text/Politics Think Tank Researcher Long Zhizhu

On July 19, Shandong released the situation related to the economic situation in the first half of the year. Since the second quarter of this year, the economic operation of Shandong Province has stabilized rapidly after short -term fluctuations. In the first half of the year, the province's GDP was 4171.7 billion yuan, and it was calculated at an unchanged price of 3.6%year -on -year. Among them, the second quarter was 2179.1 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 2.1%. The two data were exceeding the national average.

Compared with the double -digit growth of Shandong in the first half of last year, the increase of 3.6%was not high, but it still surpassed the national average. Facing a severe and complex economic downturn, Shandong Province can have such a good performance, "the performance is not easy."

In particular, in the first half of the year, many single -item indicators in Shandong were leading the country, showing a strong development momentum: the added value of industrial industries increased by 4.8%, higher than the national average; The total exports increased by 17%, much higher than the national average ...

Earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics had just released the operation of the national economy in the first half of 2022, and stated that "my country's economy overwhelmed the unexpected factors of overwhelming factors, showing a stable recovery trend, especially in the second quarter to achieve positive economic growth, stabilizing the economic market" Essence It can be said that in this national examination, Shandong Province has made due contributions to national economic growth.

As the third -largest economic province in the country and the country in the country, the performance of Shandong Province in the first half of the year reflects the ability of local governments to "solve the difficult problems and difficult problems". Continuous development, and strive to complete the annual goals and tasks to lay a more solid foundation.

Looking at the economic operation data of Shandong Province in the first half of the year, the "rising against the trend" is first to unswervingly implement the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of economic and social development. To protect employment and livelihood.

The prevention and control of the epidemic cannot be relaxed, and economic development cannot be stopped. In the second quarter, especially in the in -depth decline of the main economic indicators in April, it became a "hurdle" that was difficult to cross. Shandong Province has resolutely implemented a policy of helping enterprises to help enterprises, and applied the fertilizer of policies to the root of the market subject, and gives full play to the initiative, scientific analysis and judgment, and accurately introduce supporting policies and measures according to the influencing factors and extent of different industries and fields. While releasing the inherent development potential energy, it stimulates the endogenous motivation of society, and the economy has achieved positive growth and recovery rapidly.

In the middle, advantageous industries such as fixed asset investment, import and export of goods, consumer goods, chemical raw materials and chemical products, coal mining and washing all realize the long -term development of double -digit, thereby accelerating the pace of stabilization of economic operations in the province.

It must be seen that in the face of the severe test since March, Shandong Province has maintained the strategic determination of economic provinces, achieved freely, orderly and effective, and also provided the experience of reference to the country.

Secondly, the good performance in the first half of the year was also the continuation of Shandong's achievements that had strongly promoted the reform of traditional industries and achieved high -quality development. After years of "dormant" and "storage" for many years, Shandong can no longer "hide".

In the past five years, Shandong has faced the problem and deficiency, accelerated "steaming birds, phoenix Nirvana", eliminated a number of low -standard chemical enterprises and backward chemical production capacity, and vigorously developed emerging industries such as new energy, equipment manufacturing, and artificial intelligence. The industrial skeleton has undergone tremendous changes.

Data show that as of the end of 2021, the number of listed companies in Shandong Province rose to 269, an increase of 40 new companies, with a total market value of 4 trillion yuan; provincial -level "specialized new" SMEs reached 3,424, and the state There are 362 new "little giants" enterprises in the class.

Deepen the changes brought about by kinetic energy conversion have clearly performed in a set of data in the first half of this year.

Among them, the added value of the high -tech manufacturing industry increased by 15.5%in the first half of the year, an increase of 1.8 percentage points over the first quarter, and the value -added of the industrial added is 10.7 percentage points. The proportion of all investment is 53.4%, an increase of 3.5 percentage points year -on -year; the national science and technology -based SMEs have more than 20,000, an increase of 43.7%year -on -year, an increase of nearly 14,000 over the first quarter. The comprehensive environmental air quality index improved by 7.3%year -on -year, and the PM2.5 concentration decreased by 9.1%on the basis of last year.

It can be seen that the successful conversion of new and old kinetic energy represented by new technologies, new industries, new formats, and new models is ushered in a historical opportunity for high -quality development.

One end continued to grow, and the other was linked. Everything has just begun.

Following this development path, the GDP in the first half of this year has exceeded 4 trillion yuan in Shandong, and the whole year may bring greater surprises to the world. You know, the GDP of Shandong Province in 2021 was 8.3 trillion yuan.

Of course, the challenges in economic and social development are everywhere and the same time. Only in this way, it is necessary to get the twelve -point spirit, seize the opportunities such as the support of policies, the optimization of the business environment, and the obvious strategic superposition effect. On the basis of living in the economic market, faster progress and better quality. (Finish)

Director: Zou Ming

Supervision: Gao Mingyong

Reading: Cui Xiangsheng

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