Tianyin New District to improve the accuracy of volunteer services "Five for five" services to make civilization practice temperature temperature

Author:Texas Daily Time:2022.07.20

Twelve Lizhuang community launched the "July 1st" activity, and the old people performed Tai Chi

Song Guantun Street Volunteer rushed to the event scene, volunteers were residents' free consultation

Where is the masses, where the civilization practice in the new era extends, how to make the new era civilization practice volunteer service more accurate and effective? Since the beginning of this year, Tianyin New District has actively integrated resources, mobilized all parties, with civilized practice centers, institutes, and stations as the vector, activities as the carrier, and brand as the lead. For difficult groups, psychological guidance and emotional comfort groups, and volunteer services for social and public needs to increase quality and efficiency for the public needs of the public to increase the quality, add quality to the city's civilization.

From the spontaneous organization to the standardized management of the people's order volunteer to send orders

On the morning of July 8th, in the New Era of Yuanqiao Town, the "Colorful Summer" summer camp opened. "I can learn knowledge here, and my parents are at ease." Li Wenhuan, a second -year student of Dongcheng Elementary School, signed up for the event.

"Similar activities are carried out a lot of each month." Zhu Yupei, director of the Civilization Office of Yuanqiao Town, said that relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Institute and Station, the communities asked the people at the end of each month. Next month's event list, and send it to the community WeChat group, post it in the lobby of the civilized practice station in the new era, residents can sign up. The town has averaged about 200 events annually, serving 10,000 residents, and more than 95%of residents' satisfaction.

"At present, there are 133 civilization practice centers, stations, and stations in the three -level new era of the district, 122 volunteers and more than 20,000 volunteers." Han Limin, deputy minister of the Party and Mass Work Department of Tianyu New District, introduced that they bloomed in volunteer activities everywhere On the basis of the district, the district continued to guide and standardize, and introduced the encouragement policies such as civilized points exchange. Volunteer services have been transformed from spontaneous organization to "people order, professional order, and volunteer to send orders." The theme of the month has a significant improvement in service accuracy.

"Guarding the growth of young people and solving worries for parents. On July 5th, Xingkai Community held a badminton competition; follow the health of the elderly. On July 7, the Kangbo Mansion Community and the Texas Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Lecture; on July 9, Aijiafang Community, Jinding Community, and Shawang community carried out the "colorful childhood happy soap" activity; on July 11, Jinhe Community 'Qi Xingxing "lecture hall ..." In the volunteer development zone In the public account, the reporter saw the centralized display of the towns and streets and communities, and the picture was particularly brilliant in the picture. Since the beginning of this year, the region has carried out a total of more than 400 "five" activities and served more than 50,000.

The project moves from homogeneity to the popularization to advocate a community one highlight

"We have established the New Town Club to absorb 9 powerful enterprises and individual merchants such as Kangbo Real Estate, Jiajiabao, and use their existing venues and training professionals to serve difficult households, old party members and other groups with inconvenient actions." On July 10, the highlights of the volunteer service of the new city community, Holly, the secretary of the party branch, was like a few treasures, "Hua Ye whispered" hand -pressed flowers, "Going to a Beautiful Covenant" flower artist voluntary service, "warm heart", "Love for a lifetime" Wells Volunteer Service ... Volunteer service brands one by one, making the community vibrant and human.

Wu Wen Qiang, director of the Civilization Office of Song Guantun Street, introduced that the new city community is the most beautiful volunteer service community in the province. It has more than 10 communities in the surrounding area, 5,200 residents, 570 enterprises, and 360 individual merchants along the street. As a densely populated and developed urban community, they have a more temperature through the improvement of the volunteer service system.

"In the process of organizing, we strongly overcome the homogeneity of volunteer activities in the past, choose unique volunteer service projects to meet the masses' needs for a better life." Han Limin said that in principle, a community must have at least one highlight.

On the streets of Song Guantun, the "Red Scarf" preaching group and "colorful weekend" are remarkable. "Don't stop, move forward quickly! Junzhe's voice must be pressed down, but the tone should be more firm." On the morning of July 11, the reporter walked into the new era of civilization in Song Guantun Street. Under the guidance, carefully rehearsing the scenario drama "Fengbei", preparing for the performance of the "Red Scarf" preaching group held on the weekend. They have held two training, and 33 red scarf preachers have been selected. Since the launch of the "Colorful Weekend" on March 12, it has carried out special activities such as the style of Chinese culture and cultural exhibitions, technological production capabilities, and outdoor activities, and has played a positive role in promoting the growth of young people.

Online and offline same frequency resonance to create psychological care brand

On July 11, in the Weijia Community of Changhe Street, the Tianyin New District Union Volunteer Volunteer Federation and the Municipal Municipal Psychological Health Service Promotion Association carried out the theme activities of "How the Elderly People Makes Mental Health" and more than 20 elderly people participated.

A brand one flag. While encouraging the highlights of the community to cultivate the highlights, Tianyu New District fully builds a district -level psychological care volunteer brand- "Broadcasting Sunshine and Heating New Area", organizing a number of psychological expert teams to enter the agency, school, enterprises, and villages. In more than 100 games, in the form of "Tour+Interaction", science popularization psychological knowledge is to help the construction of Texas in Texas and benefit nearly 3,000 people. There are more than 200 trainers (and) vocational society workers and psychologists, and provide more than 1,600 mental health services for special families such as empty nests, left -behind elderly, women, children, and disabled. While promoting offline activities, Tianyu New District opened a psychological counseling hotline, using WeChat and Weibo platforms to integrate psychological health knowledge into the cultural life of the masses. The "Sound of Love Companion, Building the 'Heart' Defense" psychological health sessions were set up in traffic music broadcasts, and 65 activities were carried out. Make full use of the "Youth Texas" video number and "enlightenment psychology" video number, and carry out more than 10 online psychological health services and serve more than 51,000 people.

With the support of the Big Data Center of Beidou Aerospace Group and the National "Beidou Care Platform", Tianyu New District opened the nation's first "Professional Social Psychological Service 95013-00534" hotline in the publicity system. Psychological distress in marriage and other aspects.

□ Reporter Wang Xiuqing Correspondent Dong Yunha Yizhuang

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