Yichang City's state -owned enterprises achieved a profit of 6.3 billion in the first half of the year

Author:Three Gorges Daily Time:2022.07.20

Three Gorges Daily News (Reporter Zhao Yanyi, correspondent Zhu Xiaoyi) On July 18, the reporter learned from the SASAC of Yichang that the city -owned state -owned enterprise achieved revenue of 43.332 billion yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 42.7%year -on -year; The increase was 68.5%; the taxes paid was 3.728 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 58.1%.

In the first half of this year, the municipal state -owned enterprises have increased their investment and have completed an investment of 15.558 billion yuan, and a number of major project construction has made breakthroughs. Yichang City's largest pure electric cruise ship "Yangtze River Three Gorges 1" is put into operation, Yichang City Night View and the "Yangtze Night Tour" lighting project (Phase II) completed the ending; (Phase 1) Completion; Anqi Group Yichang Company's annual output of 41,500 tons of yeast green production base project was completed; Yizhe Group Bangpu Yizhuan supporting raw materials and iron phosphate projects were accelerated; Yichang Three Gorges Airport Reconstruction and Expansion Project was put into operation. At the same time, central enterprises and state -owned enterprises have continued to deepen. As of June, there were 48 new and renewal projects of state -owned enterprises and state -owned enterprises, involving a total investment of 112.289 billion yuan. This year, a total of 9.19 billion yuan has been completed.

Three -year actions of state -owned enterprise reform have further advanced. Accelerate the reorganization and integration of municipal capital funding enterprises, and integrate 13 cities with funding enterprises into six, further clarifying the management system, functional positioning, responsibility main business, and key reform tasks of the two major groups. 100%of the municipal -funded enterprises and sub -enterprises at all levels realize the term system and contract management of members of the manager.

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