Warm enterprise rescue "timely rain" a pool of live water to attract business

Author:Star Sand Times Time:2022.07.20

The person in charge and workers of the Intelligent Technology of the Intelligent Technology are assembled and repaired the horizontal directional rig. Photo by Zhao Jiahui

◎ Star Sha Times reporter Peng Shuai Zhao Siyi

"Please improve the management system of hazardous waste as soon as possible to regulate the hazardous waste account." On July 18, a special "steward" came in the production workshop in the production workshop of Hunan Sun Printing Co., Ltd., Hunan Printing Co., Ltd. The person in charge of the enterprise prescribed the "good prescription" on the right medicine of the enterprise, and urged the enterprise to rectify the "square".

This special "housekeeper" is one of the "environmental housekeepers" hired by Laoli Street, Changsha County. "Environmental Butler" is a batch of professional and technical personnel hired to provide enterprises with on -site guidance services to solve the environmental protection problem of corporate environmental protection. It has promoted the "green" development of the enterprise. With service.

Since the beginning of this year, Laoli Street has revolved around "solving problems, steady growth, and promoting development", and has activated the market entity "one pond spring water" for the company's rescue, intimate assistance, and go all out.

Bridge blood transfusion

Reduce the "heavy" of operating costs

Finance is the blood of the real economy, stable finance and stable economy.

"For the development of scientific and technological projects, financial support funds have been" strong "for us." Fang Shuai, chairman of Hunan Caton Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., talked about the 300,000 yuan technical reform subsidy funds.

In the workshop of Litong Intelligent in Laolong Street, the workers are busy assembling a horizontal directional rig. After these "big blocks" are assembled, they will be sent to all parts of the country by a logistics vehicle to promote the development of national infrastructure development. Essence

As the first enterprise in Hunan, as the first company in Hunan, the core technology has reached the domestic advanced level. However, the research and development of technology requires a lot of capital investment, and the shortcomings of funds will greatly regulate the development of enterprises.

In order to encourage corporate technology research and development to continue to "cross -step" and "new moves", in January this year, Laoli Street passed the application of Caton Smart's technical reform subsidy funds.

In recent years, Lizili Street has fully implemented the provincial and municipal -owned enterprise policies, realized realization and reality, and brought out "True Gold and Silver" reward to support the development of enterprises, "bridge blood transfusion" for market entities Inspire enterprises to declare projects, encourage enterprises to "enter the limit", promote the digital transformation of enterprises, increase the support of funds, etc., and incentive the enterprise, and effectively drop policy dividends from "paper" to "accounts".

Technical increase

Solve the "difficulty" of innovation transformation

Hunan Xinhongyuan Gaoke Co., Ltd. did not expect that after one year of graduation, he could enter his alma mater Central South University as an enterprise employee.

On June 21, the "group" of some enterprises in the area under the jurisdiction of Laoli Street walked into Central South University to carry out a hot production, university -research and talent docking activity. develop.

"We are a technical enterprise engaged in environmental protection products. Due to the complexity of indoor air pollution control, we hope that technical research can be carried out in terms of air dynamics to solve the problem of exhaust gas collection and governance." In the event , Put forward the needs and expectations of the technical field, the professors from the professional field of Central South University responded one by one and gave relevant suggestions.

The company's transformation is difficult and technical difficulties. In the face of the "stuck neck" problems of the company's widespread, deepening the work of school -enterprise is a new solution found by Li Lili Street.

Promote the development of enterprises with science and technology entrepreneurship, and integrate the advantages of cutting -edge scientific research technology with the industrial development platform by opening up the industry -university -research link to help enterprises solve technical problems and promote the transformation of results. In the project development.

On July 13th, in Xinhongyuan's fan laboratory, R & D personnel were experimenting with the topic of collecting and dealing with organized gases in cooperation with Central South University again and again. The relevant person in charge of Xinhongyuan told reporters that once the subject is successful, it can effectively solve the problem of air treatment in the corporate non -color smelting electrolytic workshop. Transformation and upgrading of product providers.

Ten cage change bird

Activate the "change" of idle land

In the industrial park in the Garden New Town area, Liu Liangzhong, general manager of Hunan Zhongli Technology Co., Ltd., watched the rumbling machine in the workshop, and was very happy. Who had thought that last year, Liu Liangzhong was still worried about finding a suitable plant.

"Since our equipment is a fully automatic production line, the entire line requires a 190 -meter -long factory building. In order to find the right factory building, it really broke the 'iron shoes'." Recalling the situation at the time, Liu Liangzhong still remembered it. After looking for no results in Kaifu and Wangcheng, they responded in Lairi Street.

In order to find a suitable factory building for Liu Liangzhong, Yang Fan, director of the Economic and Distribution Office of the Eri Street, visited the industrial park for a full week, and took stock of a small logistics company to gather land, which was about 190 meters long.

In recent years, these logistics companies have poor benefits. Through a series of methods such as policy explanations, funding subsidies, and assistance to moving, Lizi Street has successfully persuaded these companies to be the land of Zhongli Technology and lead the company in.

"After we came, Laoli Street actively communicated with us, took us from administrative approval to various departments, and accelerated the procedures for land, environmental assessment, and security.Produced. "Liu Liangzhong said.On the one hand, the new project wants to land as soon as possible to find a suitable land. On the other hand, it is idle and inefficient land in "sleeping"., Attracting "Jinfeng".

Today, only in the three -month trial phase, the output value of medium -cold technology has exceeded 8 million yuan, and several African upstream companies have also threw olive branches to them.Operation allows this land to rejuvenate the birth and vitality.

The scientific and technological innovation projects are scattered, the regional economic development is like breaking bamboo, the quality of the enterprise has been upgraded to the hoofs and steadily ... The floating light leaps and the light and shadow is bright.

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