The richness of a "old secretary"

Author:Gaotai County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.07.20

"Thanks to Secretary Wu, if he hadn't taken me to raise a sheep, I wouldn't live such a good day today."

What said this is Dong Yulan, Wu Er Village, Gaoli County, Gaoli Town, Wu Er Village, Gaoli County. The secretary of the martial arts he said is Wu Yingjun He stepped down the village party secretary, but the masses still called him "Secretary Wu".

Wu Yingjun led more than 10 households to build a card household to develop meat sheep farming, and it must be talked about in 2013. That year, Wu Yingjun, who served as the party branch secretary of the five -second village branch of Hei Town, in order to cultivate the poverty alleviation industry of the establishment of the card households, he took the lead in the market, combined with the actual situation of the village, and took the lead in investing in the large -scale breeding communities in the northern Deadads. Five breeding experts and 10 CCPers set up the "Xinhui Beef Cow Breeding Professional Cooperative" to develop cattle and sheep farming. In the early days of the development of the cooperative, the funds were insufficient. He ran to the west and took the initiative to fight for entrepreneurial loans for farmers in difficult farmers, and taught them meat sheep breeding technology. With the efforts of everyone, the cooperatives have gradually benefited, and more than 10 households have built files to set off their poverty. In 2020, they set up a professional cooperative of animal husbandry breeding. Today, the Village of Wushang Village has built up to nearly 100 acres of 220 cattle and sheep ribs. The annual breeding volume of cattle and sheep has more than 6,000, with an annual output value of nearly 3.3 million yuan.

As a 21 -year -old village party branch secretary, Wu Yingjun has always kept "leading the villagers to get rich" in mind and implemented in action. In 2017, he turned his eyes to the land and benefited the land. "In the past, the benefits of traditional cultivation were not high, and fewer and fewer young people willing to plant land. They wanted to adjust the benefits of the land and lead the villagers to get rich by adjusting the benefits of the land." Wu Yingjun said.

Wu Yingjun has a large -scale landization of the whole village, integrating, and developing scale -in -scale planting. And contacted the production enterprises, traded large households, and mobilized farmers to develop specialty types such as flowers, corn, fruits and vegetables. At present, the scale of various types of various types of Village reached more than 1,200 acres. It also drives more than 50 villagers in the surrounding 4 villages to get rid of poverty and pick up poverty through the development of the planting industry. Xinjiang, Hebei, Hubei and other provinces. "This year, it is expected to acquire more than 200 tons of various seeds, and the per capita income will increase by about 5,000 yuan." Wu Yingjun said confidently.

In 2020, Wu Yingjun left the post of secretary of the party branch of the village. This year, he was 57 years old. He still took the leading masses to increase his income and get rich as his goal, and shuttled around the small roads and farmers' homes every day. "The rural rejuvenation, first of all, is to let the farmers' pockets drum, and everyone has the confidence to build a new countryside, so that the countryside can revitalize. As long as I can do it, I will continue to exert their heat and do my best to lead everyone to increase their income and get rich."

(Intern reporter: Wang Shanshan)

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