Young cadres need to write a good youth chapter

Author:Taishun Group Time:2022.07.20

On June 20, the 15th Party Congress of Zhejiang Province comprehensively summarized the work achievements of Zhejiang Province in the past five years, and made a comprehensive painting of the goals and main tasks of the province in the next five years. Cadres strive to build high -quality development and construction common wealth demonstration zones and socialist modernization, and strive to create an important window for the superiority of the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in the new era. As a young cadre, we must resolutely implement the spirit of the Fifteen Party Congress of the Provincial Congress, and strive to become a vanguard for promoting common prosperity and modernization, singing the strongest voice of "I write youth in the window". Youth Chapters.

Do not forget your original intention, be a firm guardian of "red root veins". Today's world has entered a period of turbulent change, and the ideological conflict of Eastern and Western parties has intensified. Young cadres must continuously consolidate their own foundations, and take communism's great ideals as a lifetime of belief. Swinging left and right in ideals and beliefs, let alone a "cartilage man" and "two -sided person" with political beliefs. It is necessary to learn the spirit of the important instructions of the Party Central Committee, strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self -confidence", and unswervingly do the loyal supporters of the "two establishment", and the "two maintenance" demonstration leaders Essence Only the important instructions and major deployment of the Party Central Committee can be used as a fingertips that are struggling to ensure that they do not follow the wrong path and take less detours.

Do it in practice and be a "eight -eight strategy" loyal practitioner. The "88th Strategy" is a valuable wealth that is inexhaustible and used in Zhejiang. Young cadres must study and implement in -depth, and practice the "August and Eight Strategy" in the real work. In the promotion of the "important window" construction work, young cadres should implement the work in a pragmatic spirit and implement the development goals step by step into reality. Young cadres must always keep in mind that only by practical results, and strive to use the achievements created by practicing the "August 8th Strategy" to allow the people to see changes and benefit. At the grassroots level, young cadres should be willing to join the grassroots, dare to take root at the grassroots level, be good at building the grassroots level, be brave to suffer, not afraid of suffering, solidly, and promote the vivid practice of the "eight -eight strategy" on the first line of the grassroots.

Walking at the forefront, as an innovative pioneer of "advance demonstration". There are different times, and the mission is in the same vein. Contemporary young cadres should integrate youth struggle into the cause of common prosperity and modernization, and be the pioneer in the new era and new journey. In helping Zhejiang to build a pre -demonstration province, every young cadre needs to give full play to the spirit of innovation and innovation in their respective jobs. Young cadres can apply emerging technologies such as big data and cloud computing to actual work in combination with their professional learning to improve work efficiency; when encountering work bottlenecks, they must also dare to break the usual conventional thinking and put forward new work ideas , Conquer the difficulties and continue to create new achievements.

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