Xinhua Full Media + | Shuanghu County, the highest county in the country, implement the second batch of high -altitude herdsmen ecological relocation

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.07.20

At 7:40 am on July 19, 18 passenger cars carried more than 300 herdsmen, and slowly left Doma Township, Shuanghu County, Naqu City, Tibet. It marks the beginning of the Tibet Autonomous Region to implement the second batch of high -altitude herdsmen ecological relocation in Shuanghu County, the highest altitude county.

The average altitude of Shuanghu County is more than 5,000 meters above sea level. It is located in remote, high -cold and hypoxic, and the environment is harsh. It is difficult for local herdsmen to enjoy high -quality public services; and the regional herds are degraded at a rate of 3%to 5%per year.

In order to solve the problem of harmony between man and nature and build a national ecological security barrier, the Tibet Autonomous Region launched a high altitude ecological relocation of three towns in northern Shuanghu County in 2019. The relocation is mainly concentrated in 4 towns and villages in the south of the county, and the relocation will be completed in early August.

The resettlement point of Senbu is located on the north bank of the Yarlung Tibetan River, with an altitude of about 3600 meters and more than 60 kilometers from the city of Lhasa. It is near the airport, railway, highway, pleasant environment, convenient transportation, and obvious location advantages.

In order to allow the removal herdsmen to "move, stabilize, and get rich", the resettlement point is equipped with a dwarf apple base, modern ranch, etc. to drive the employment of the migration herdsmen to employment, and continue to carry out skill training for the relocated herdsmen to guide them to transfer Employment, and the hospital, school, market, etc. in the resettlement point of Senbu Ri are all available.

Some young and middle -aged labor forces in Shuanghu County will continue to stay in Shuanghu County Animal Husbandry Cooperative to engage in production, uniform management and unified operations to ensure that the removal of herdsmen increased their income.

Shuanghu County is nearly 120,000 square kilometers and has a population of 14,000. As part of the Qiangtang National Nature Reserve, Shuanghu County is also an important area for Tibetan antelopes, Tibetan wild donkeys, and wild yaks. (Reporter Gesang Langjie, Lu Qiuping)

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