Panzhihua City implements the "cell construction" of grass -roots food security office "microcirculation" in grassroots food safety governance

Author:Sichuan Food Safety Time:2022.06.15

Since the beginning of this year, Panzhihua City has implemented the "cell construction" of the grass -roots food security office in an all -round way, formulated and introduced the "Implementation Plan for the Standardized Construction of the Office of the grass -roots Food Safety Committee", and focused on the realization of "two -net integration", compacting "five -dimensional supervision", promoting "account diagrams" "Models", highlighting "six strengthening" and other requirements to standardize organizational structure, and proposed 30 standards, township (street) food safety office "15 one" standard for the county (district) food safety office, and unblocked grass -roots food safety governance "microcirculation of microcirculation "".

Realize the "two network integration". Through the two grids of "Food Safety Supervision Network+Grassroots Social Governance Network", full -time management is implemented, and salaries are implemented, and "List of Food Safety Mission of Municipal Social Governance Works Members of Municipal Social Governance Works" are formulated to clarify overall coordination, hidden danger investigation, information The report, assisting in law enforcement, and publicity and education have 5 major responsibilities of 32 specific tasks. As of now, the city has set up 796 grass -roots governance grid members to investigate 8588 hidden dangers of food risks to effectively investigate and eliminate hidden dangers of food safety accidents.

Correct the "Five Ding Supervision". Food safety supervision grids at all levels should clarify work responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of the "Five Ding Supervision" (ie: regional, targets, duties, personnel, and rewarding and punishment). Establish a "four -member" mesh regulatory system for grass -roots food safety, improve the food safety contracting responsibility system, form a grid of food safety governance with partitioned slices and dry -to -hand, and achieve continuous innovation of grass -roots food safety governance methods.

Promote the "account chart mode". Implement the "one account, one picture, one handbook and six systems", that is, the establishment of a supervision object account, formulating grid responsibility maps, preparation of government affairs manuals, and establishing a sound collaboration and cooperation, training, information interoperability, supervision and assessment, accountability of accountability, etc. Basic grid operating mechanism. Each year, the annual food safety work plan is formulated, and the hidden food safety hazards investigation, and the guidance of rural collective dinner filing guidance to ensure that there are no regional and systematic food safety accidents in the jurisdiction.

Highlight the "six enhancements". That is, strengthen overall coordination, strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen responsibility implementation, strengthen work mechanism, strengthen innovation and excellent, strengthen team building, and build a grass -roots food safety coordination system with "responsibility in place, improvement of system, strong protection, and efficient operation". At the same time, integrate existing grass -roots platforms such as the Civilization Practice Center (institute, station), volunteer service centers, and social workers' stations in the new era. The food safety popular science propaganda station on the theme of the masses' tongue "is the theme to build a new pattern of governance of food safety society. (Reporter Cheng Bo full beam plan)

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