Zhangzhou continued to deepen the "thousands of cadres to hang thousands of enterprises" assistance activities for more than 2,000 cadres to coordinate and solve more than 1,000 corporate problems in half a year

Author:Minnan Daily Time:2022.07.20

(Reporter Liao Yuting) Since the beginning of this year, Zhangzhou's "Thousands of cadres hangs thousands of enterprises" assistance activities have continued to deepen, and leading cadres at all levels in the city have insisted on "not be able to call, follow the call, be thoughtful, talk about the service, and say that you can do it. "," Mom -style "services help companies to stabilize the market to promote development and contribute to stabilizing the economic market. According to statistics, in the first half of the year, the counties (districts), development zones (investment zones) and municipal departments in the city had a total of 2,773 leaders and 2,773 links at levels at levels, and 2,773 hook companies, helping enterprises to coordinate more than 1,500 problems.

In the past six months, cadres have focused on "improving efficiency, improving efficiency, and increasing efficiency", actively helping enterprises to solve problems, and do everything possible to ensure factors to ensure that investing in Zhangzhang more assured, entrepreneurial entrepreneurship, and developing smoothly. The Sanbao Group helped Sanbao Group to solve the land application approval of the Cobbus Silicon Steel Project, and the construction of the 1680mm hot -rolled special steel coil production line project, and promoted the technical reform and upgrading of enterprises, improved quality and efficiency. Longhai District takes the "acres of the heroes" as the starting point. By reviving the idle factory building, it helps Ranile Food Group to increase the 12.5 acres of land to 80 acres. Changtai District coordinated handling of the 16,000 square meters of construction planning and approval of the construction planning and expansion project of 16,000 square meters of the Ming Dynasty Factory No. 3. Yunxiao County coordinated the problem of 108 acres of land for the second phase of Auckland. Changshan Development Zone helped Changsheng Hardware Company to set up a supply chain company to fulfill 3 million yuan in funds for enterprises, and promote the resumption of production by enterprises.

As the leading department of assistance activities, the Zhangzhou Municipal Industry and Information Bureau strictly follows the requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government to deepen the "one contact and three links" assistance activities, use big data management, and rely on Zhangzhou's "new time and space of the party and enterprise, government and enterprise directly to traffic "Platform, set up an online system of" Thousands of Cadres Hanging Thousands of Enterprises ", and recording the leadership assistance process for leaders. This year, Zhangzhou's "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise and Enterprise · Government and Enterprise Direct Train" platform has opened a direct reporting channel for the "opening of the door" and helping the enterprise resisting service channel. The degree is 100%.

"We will make every effort to promote the" Thousands of Cadres Hanging Thousands of Enterprises "activities, and comprehensively stimulate cadres to take the initiative to go deep into the front line to help the enterprise's enthusiasm." The relevant person in charge of the Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology said that in the next stage, the Zhangzhou Industry and Information Bureau will carry out " During the event season of thousands of cadres into thousands of enterprises, comprehensively understand the production and operation of the enterprise, collect and coordinate the difficult problems of the enterprise in a timely manner, and fully support enterprises to increase production and efficiency, excel, and strengthen; strengthen the constraints of the rigidity system constraint , Using Zhangzhou's "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise · Government and Enterprise Direct Train" platform to improve the "Thousands of Cadres Hanging Thousands of Enterprises" online system functions, and conduct a full record of the linking of leading cadres to help to ensure that the truth, real hanging, and hanging are in place , Promoting the implementation of the hook assistance system is truly implemented.

Editor in charge: Liu Changle and Xu Jingzheng Zhang Jianglu

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