The first party branch of the Changyi City Discipline Inspection Commission: "Theme Party Day+" boosted the party building of the party's party building "quality and efficiency doubles" Time:2022.07.20 · Lightning News July 20th. Since the establishment of the first party branch of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Changyi City, since its establishment in November 2018, it has always insisted on putting political construction in the primary position. Promote party members and cadres to draw their forge -life forces in "learning and thinking and understanding", and make every effort to create a "integrity and public and loyal performance" party building brand. In July 2021, the title of advanced grass -roots party organization was awarded by the Changyi Municipal Party Committee.

"Theme party day+on -site education", promote going out to study. Take field visits and watch red movies, warning education films, etc. as the main ways of on -site education, and organize party members to visit education bases such as the "Bohai Corridor" Revolutionary Structure Exhibition Hall, the Anti -Japanese Martyrs' Temple, and other educational bases. Revolutionary spirit, stimulate the spirit of entrepreneurship and striving for the first time.

"Theme Party Day+Special Learning", push down and think down. Enhance collective learning by combining online and offline. At least two concentrated learning are carried out around the content of party history learning, important meetings, and the spirit of leadership speeches every month. On the radio station, the "Voice of Weishui Qingfeng and Clean Government" topic, opened a column of "Weishui Qingfeng and Clean Government" in "Changyi Today", and use the "Weishui Qingfeng" WeChat public account to normalize the content of integrity education.

"Theme party day+volunteer service" to promote the practice. Carry out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", and actively organize party members to sink the community to carry out Chongyang to respect the elderly, "Mass service face -to -face, you have difficulties, I will do it" comprehensive service into the community, epidemic prevention and control volunteer service and other activities to help the masses solve their problems ,solve the real problem.

"Theme Party Day+Featured Activities" promoted to sit down and perceive. By holding a number of special counseling reports such as "three regulations", party history learning and education, and other special counseling reports, carry out young cadres' party history speech contests, hold "Changyi City Discipline Inspection and Supervision System to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Party", hold "Ji Yin Tong and Wei The party building and co -construction and signing activities of the party building, and worked as the spirit of the party.

Lightning News reporter Wang Liang's correspondent Li Qing reported

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