After contacting 100+ brands and bloggers, 7 suggestions for the novice to make Xiaohongshu

Author:Everyone is a product manager Time:2022.07.20

Edit Introduction: When I first started making Xiaohongshu, I would always feel confused. I don't know where to start? How to quickly increase the powder? Why is it illegal again? After contacting the 100+ brand and bloggers in this article, the author of this article made 7 suggestions to the little red book brand and bloggers who just started to be the little red book brand and bloggers, hoping to help you.

How to do Xiaohongshu? How to quickly increase the powder? Why is it illegal again? These questions are asked almost every day, answering too much, and repeated questions, so I no longer want to answer.

On the one hand, one problem involves systematic thinking, and only a few WeChat answers cannot solve the problem, and it is easy to bring people into the ditch. On the other hand, some problems reflect how others give the answer without thinking. After contacting 100+ brands and bloggers, 7 suggestions for the newly made Xiaohongshu brand and bloggers.

01 Think about the purpose of making Xiaohongshu

Before doing Xiaohongshu, think about your purpose? The blogger realizes it? Digestion to Taobao or drain to WeChat?

Different goals are different. Example drainage to Taobao as an example. You have made a master's notes and corporate notes in Xiaohongshu. The core gets more exposure, let users see your notes, and then go outside to search. You What to do is reduce the cost of UV.

For example, the drainage to the private domain, how do you want to collect colleagues to do drainage, is it Xiaohongshu? Introduction Area? My moment is still an offline store, and the business purpose is achieved within the scope of the platform.

02 is finished!

Is it late to make Xiaohongshu now? Is there a bonus in advertising? How to start the first notes? Do you want to buy tools for Little Red Book Monitoring?

When I hear such a problem, the first idea is to persuade you not to do a little red book. Too much consideration, there is really no chance. Last year, the homepage of Xiaohongshu Enterprise could be bound to the phone. This year, there are many restrictions. The cognition is that the sooner you do, the better, you can also know if you are suitable or not, give up if you are not suitable, and reduce the cost of sinking.

I do n’t know to post a note. You can just post a look. I do n’t know how to do it. Go to the official potato and learn, enter the community to learn, and the large number of learning materials in the market will take the first step to make the opportunity to play the platform.

03 Do not suspect the platform to improve creative ability

Ah ah ah! What should I do if I violate the rules? Is it limited? Why is the note traffic so bad?

First of all, there will be reminders of the platform restriction. If there is no reminder traffic, most of them are content issues. Go to see the click rate, see the interaction rate, and analyze and rectify.

You can also see this account data analysis; the worst result is that the number cannot be used, then you can change the number and make it again, just guess the platform rules and doubt your creative ability, but wasting your own time.

04 process first, then result

How to ensure ROI? This problem is nonsense. Anyone who can ensure ROI is not high.

In the early stages of Xiaohongshu, you must not only ROI theory. When you invest in advertisements on the same day, you must sell for output. Basically, it is difficult to play the platform. The agent partner said a word: "Customers who are particularly pursuing ROI are actually not suitable for Xiaohongshu."

Compared with other platforms, Xiaohong Book Platform pays attention to grass and pursuing tone. It is essentially an investment brand name and a long -term value. As soon as you come up, you have to sell, there is no sales, and the fierce said that the platform is stupid X, which may not be very suitable.

05 Awewear platform does not mean the loss of purpose

"This is easy to be restricted, this should not be done?" When you finished this, I don't know what to say, this is like the university teacher said, you can't skip the class, to be honest, you also remember these lessons, and remember to remember it. If you can't live, you might as well look at the book you want to read.

The same is true for the platform, and the bloggers and enterprises who can drain still exist. The case is there. Learning and the awe of the platform does not mean losing business purposes. It is still more difficult than that sentence.

06 Content Thinking Make Little Red Book

"Can you use a form directly?" Yes, but not long, it can be said to be expensive and not long.

Xiaohongshu is essentially the content platform, and content creation is the core ability. What you have to do is how to improve the content of content creation. The method of bidding and clues can be used, but the effect gradually decreases. Opportunity to play, because there are too many customers who have money than you.

07 higher than content, talk about value

The content of the explosion is the carrier, and the value is the long -term way.

Can the explosion really bring high attention, but think about high attention, is your product really good, did you really provide users with solutions? Can it cause repurchase? Is there a chance for this track?

In a crowded track, it is also difficult to make no matter how good the content is, because behind the brand is the category, the category determines whether the brand can go far for a long time. Behind the content, we need to look at the product value. Brand Value.

The above is the experience of recent contact with Xiaohongshu marketing. Regarding Xiaohongshu, there are many points worth thinking about. If you want to learn more about Xiaohongshu, you can join the Jianghe chat marketing community. idea.


Jianghe Liao Marketing, WeChat public account: Jianghe Liao Marketing, everyone is a product manager columnist. From the brand to the reaching the incubation, help nearly a hundred brands and dozens of masters take less detours in Xiaohongshu.

This article was originally published in everyone's product manager, and reproduced was prohibited without the author's permission.

The question map is from UNSPLASH, based on the CC0 protocol.

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