Xinjiang Burjin County borrowed "micro -police affairs" to serve the "big people's livelihood"

Author:Altay Daily Time:2022.07.20

"Hello, my hotel has recently prepared for business and wants to consult what materials needed for special industry licenses?" On July 16th, the Public Security Bureau of Burjin County Public Security Bureau in Altay, Xinjiang received a telephone consultation from the responsible person in the jurisdiction. After receiving the call, Yang Shangan, the captain of the Public Security Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Burzin County, came to the door to introduce the WeChat mini program of "Xinjiang Public Security WeChat" to the person in charge of the hotel, and guided the hotel staff to apply for the hotel's special industry license through the applet self -help certificate.

It is reported that in order to facilitate the masses to handle the comprehensive public security business and enjoy more high -quality online services, the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region has developed and launched the "Xinjiang Public Security WeChat" WeChat Mini Program and tried it. For public security business, the masses can realize online appointments and hand -handling through mobile phones or computers.

On July 17th, Zhao Wenyong, the police officer of the Urban Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Burjin County Public Security Bureau, promoted the "Xinjiang Public Security Micro Police" to the masses in the district and helped Zhao, who had just worked from Korla to Bolzin County Patriotic follow the "Xinjiang Public Security Micro Police" applet. "Now use your mobile phone to handle business on the" Xinjiang Public Security Micro Police ", which is really convenient for busy migrant workers!" Zhao Aiguo said with emotion.

Miao Fahong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Burjin County Public Security Bureau, said that the "Xinjiang Public Security Micro Police" applet not only opened the office (bureaus) mailboxes, but also established the signal boxes of various places (states, cities). District) Director's mailbox, the masses can put forward opinions and suggestions, consulting and complaints, supervision and supervision, and praise of Xinjiang public security work through mailboxes, which facilitates the interaction of police and civilians, and is conducive to comprehensive three -dimensional promotion of convenience services. "In the next step, the Burzin County Public Security Bureau will adopt a variety of forms to publicize and popularize the" Xinjiang Public Security Micro Police "applet, so that more people can enjoy convenient services without leaving home." Miao Fahong said.

Altay Daily All Media Reporter Gulina Correspondent Xing Rong

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