At the end of the month, the high temperature of the ultra -long version will affect more than 17 provinces

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.07.20

Since July, my country's high temperature momentum has been fierce, and Shanghai has tied the highest temperature record in the century. There are many cases of heat ejection in many places. After a short -term high temperature intermittent period, starting on July 20, a new round of high -temperature weather is coming, which will affect Zhejiang and Fujian over 17 provinces and cities. High -temperature combat will be carried out until the end of July. Compared with the last high -temperature range, this high temperature core area is relatively south, and the local or existing extreme high temperature weather such as southern Zhejiang and Fujian is broken.

The area of ​​high temperature weather is widely covered

Which areas will appear extreme high temperature?

Starting today, the large -scale high -temperature weather will come again. According to Zhang Juan, a meteorological analyst of China Weather Network, this round of high -temperature weather has the characteristics of wide coverage and strong local intensity, which will sweep over 17 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country. Until the end of July, the South Xinjiang Basin, Western Inner Mongolia, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, South China, Chongqing and other places will appear large -scale sustainability above 35 ° C. The maximum temperature can reach above 40 ° C; intermittent high temperature weather will also appear in southern North China, Huanghuai, Shaanxi and other places.

Compared with the high temperature process in mid -July, the core area of ​​the high temperature process will be relatively south, which is related to southern part of the high -pressure position of the subtropical. Among them, southern Zhejiang and parts of Fujian may have a breakthrough value. Ningde's maximum temperature on the 23rd can even reach 43 ° C; Lishui, which has occurred in the case of fever, has a high temperature N combo of 40 ° C this weekend to early next week.

High temperature "long standby"

Which cities are "seeing every day" at high temperatures?

In addition to the strong strength, this wave of high temperature weather will also be "long -standing". It is difficult to escape the hot weather in high temperatures in Jiangnan and South China in late July.

Among the provincial -level cities, Changsha, Nanchang, Fuzhou and other places start to the end of July. High temperatures will be "see every day". Among them, there are no shortage of heat of 38 and 39 ° C. In addition, the humidity is large, and you can "steam sauna" when you go out. The above -mentioned areas not only "steam" during the day, but also continue to "cook" in the evening, especially in Nanchang at night temperatures are generally close to 30 ° C, and the "sauna house" is available for 24 hours.

Why this wave of high temperature weather is so fierce

Is the standby time so long?

This wave of high -temperature weather is not caused by the subtropical high -voltage lonely fighting, but in the process of lift its west, it also brought the Iranian mainland high -voltage opening together. This kind of subtropical high pressure is not uncommon to join hands with the mainland high pressure. The conditions require the "top two" and "two weaknesses". "Two Two" refers to the need to strengthen the high -pressure extension of the subtropical high pressure, and at the same time, the high pressure of the mainland is relatively strong. In this case, the subtropical high pressure will bring the protracted and fierce temperature weather with the high pressure of the mainland.

Many places have more than 60 ℃

How to prevent fever?

Until the end of July, the southern region will maintain a state of high temperature and high humidity. Many places have a physical sensation or over 60 ° C. The "sauna house" will be supplied for 24 hours. In a hot and humid environment, people are more likely to heat up of heat stroke. Severe heat stroke is also known as thermal irritation, which can cause death. Thermal radiation disease is mainly due to the exposure of the human body in high temperature and high humidity environment. The body regulation function is imbalanced. The heat production is greater than the heat dissipation, which will cause the core temperature to rise rapidly. In particular, outdoor operations, old people, children and other people with weak constitutions such as high temperature and high humidity environment are more likely to suffer from fever.

If someone has a severe heat stroke in the outdoor heat stroke, there are symptoms such as superb temperature (reaching or exceeding 40 ° C) and unclear consciousness. The surrounding people can quickly transfer it to a cool place, and physical cooling through the air supply and cooling water. Thermal radiation disease may be life -threatening. While trying to cool the patients, others around them should help dial the emergency call and send them to the hospital for rescue in time.

At present, it has been entered. During the three volts every year, it is the most popular period of high temperature in my country. Most of the southern humidity is large, and high temperatures are extremely endurance. Master some healthy tips in daily life, scientifically cope with high temperature and safety. For example, in diet, pay attention to drinking plenty of water, eat more fruits and vegetables, to ensure balanced nutrition; ensure sufficient sleep and enhance physical fitness; avoid travel at high temperature in the afternoon, reduce outdoor staying time, and reduce the risk of heat stroke. (Text/Jiang Yi Data Support/Zhang Juan)


In addition, there will be a new round of heavy rainfall from west to east the day after tomorrow. There will be mid -to -heavy rain in the east of the Northwest, Sichuan Basin, Huanghuai, southern North China, and eastern Inner Mongolia. There are heavy rains in some areas, heavy rainstorms in the area, and some areas are accompanied by short -term and heavy precipitation.

Among them, the heavy rain on the 21st is mainly in southern Shaanxi and the east of Sichuan Basin. On the 22nd, it will be transferred to southeast Shaanxi, southern Shandong, and northern Jiangsu and Anhui. Everyone needs to pay attention to the forecast and pay attention to preventing heavy rain.

Sichuan Observation (Source: China Weather Network)

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