Only 11 places in the country, the only one in Zhejiang!This place has won another national demonstration zone

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.20

Zhejiang News Client reporter Huang Hong

This place in Zhejiang, take a national demonstration area!

Recently, many people were reposting this news: The State Council approved the consent of the innovation demonstration zone of the construction of the country's sustainable development agenda.

This national demonstration zone must be talked about from the "Sustainable Development Agenda".

In September 2015, at the 70th UN General Assembly, 193 member states unanimously adopted the "2030 Angeles of the Sustainable Development", calling on countries to take action to achieve 17 sustainable development goals in the next 15 years and determine The agenda was officially launched on January 1, 2016.

What are the 17 sustainable development goals?

Here are a few examples, such as target 1 is "eliminating all forms of poverty in the world"; target 7 is "to ensure that everyone gets affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy"; target 15 is "protection and recovery, restoring, restoration And promote sustainable use of land ecosystems, sustainable management of forests, prevent desertification, stop and reverse land degradation, and curb the loss of biodiversity. "

Generally speaking, it is to solve the problems of the three dimensions of society, economy and environment, and let the world go global sustainable development.

Then talk about this demonstration area.

In December 2016, the State Council issued the "China Implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Active Innovation Demonstration Zone Construction Plan", which proposed to create a national sustainable development agenda innovation demonstration zone, so that scientific and technological innovation's support for the support of social undertakings has continuously enhanced the role The degree of economic and social coordination has increased significantly, and several realistic models and typical models must be formed.

The sentence in the plan is worth noting: the demonstration area must "play a demonstration effect on the sustainable development of other regions in China, and provide Chinese experience for the implementation of the 2030 A agenda for Sustainable Development in other countries."

Not only is it in China, but also the whole human beings, this meaning is great.

So, until now, what areas of the country have become the national sustainable development agenda innovation demonstration zone?

In 2018, the State Council approved three places: Taiyuan, Shanxi, Guilin, Guangxi and Shenzhen, Guangdong;

In 2019, three places were approved: Luzhou, Hunan, Lincang, Yunnan, and Chengde, Hebei;

It is then this year. Some time ago, the State Council approved 5, namely: Zhejiang Huzhou, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, Ordos in Inner Mongolia, Zaozhuang, Shandong, and Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province.

So so far, the State Council has approved a total of 11.

Talking here, someone may ask: When it comes to the demonstration area, I always feel that there is always a bit of similarities between them, such as the national ecological demonstration zone, which is related to ecological and environmental protection. Where is the place where the innovation demonstration area is, it is difficult to find something similarities?

This is the special feature of the national sustainable development agenda innovation demonstration zone: each innovation demonstration area has different themes.

For example, in the first batch of Shanxi Taiyuan, which was included in the demonstration area in 2018, its theme was the transformation and upgrading of resource -based cities.

As we all know, Shanxi Province is rich in coal resources.

Therefore, the task of this demonstration zone is to explore industrial transformation and form solutions to provide typical cases and practical experience for national and world resource economies.

Everyone knows that there is a special terms in economics called "Dutch disease", which means that some countries or regions are very rich in natural resources. As a result, industries related to natural resources are very prosperous. The long -term development of the region's economy was dragged.

If this problem can be solved, the significance will be very great because there are quite a few resource economies around the world.

This time, the Jiangsu Xuzhou, which was included in Jiangsu, has also had a large coal production before, and it was also a "coal city", but Xuzhou's industrial transformation and upgrading were well transformed and upgraded. In 2021, the city's GDP had reached 811.74 billion yuan. It will enter "trillion -level cities".

Therefore, the theme of Xuzhou's creation is to innovate the high -quality development of central cities in resource -based areas, focusing on issues such as continuous use of traditional industrial and mining waste land, and the use of ecological restoration and other technologies such as coal mining areas. Essence

Xuzhou and Taiyuan, because they have produced coal, are somewhat similar. The theme of the creation of other places is even greater. Like Guilin, the theme of creating the theme is the sustainable use of landscape resources; Zaozhuang, Shandong has become a sustainable development of the countryside in innovation; Protection and high -quality development.

Talking here, it's time to talk about the theme of Liaohuzhou.

Speaking of Huzhou, everyone thinks of "green", thinking that it is the birthplace of the concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains", and it is also the birthplace of China's beautiful countryside.

Therefore, the theme of the creation of the demonstration area of ​​Huzhou this time is: the sustainable development of the rich integrated region of ecological resources with green innovation.

The relevant approval of the State Council also said that Huzhou City should integrate technologies such as green manufacturing, value -added utilization of ecological resources, big data, precision management and control and decision -making support, to implement innovation capabilities, green industry upgrades, resource elements, human settlement environment optimization, and optimization of residential environment,, optimization of human settlements, and optimization of human settlement environment, and optimization of human settlements, and optimization of human settlement environment, and optimization of human settlement environment, and optimization of human settlement environment, and optimization of human settlement environment, and optimization of human settlements, and optimization of human settlements. Green life promotion and other actions, coordinate various types of innovation resources, deepen the reform of the system and mechanism, accelerate the realization of high -level technology self -reliance, explore applicable technical routes and system solutions, and form an operating, replicable, and promoting effective model.

That is to say, as the only national sustainable development agenda innovation demonstration zone in Zhejiang, in terms of major project arrangements, policy first trials, institutional mechanism innovation, etc., Huzhou will be strongly supported by the national and provincial level.The high -quality development of Huzhou City is quite significant.Of course, in the process of creating this demonstration area, Huzhou will not only be the people of the country, but also to explore related explorations for all human beings, form experience, and may promote it to the world.

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