It's clear at a glance!Shuangfeng Town's "People's Congress Representative Distributed Map" accurately serves to solve the people's concerns Time:2022.07.20 reporter Fan Qiongyan

五种不同颜色的色块、各色线条、红色五角星……绘制成一张“双丰人大代表分布图”,现在,这张特殊的地图就张贴在新疆生产建设兵团第二师铁门关市双The most prominent part of the contact station of Fengzhen People's Congress, seeing the map, the people's deputies to contact voters at a glance.

Li Xiaoyu, a staff member of the Party and Government Office of Shuangfeng Town, introduced the "Distribution Map of the Representative of Shuangfeng People's Congress". Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily reporter Fan Qiongyan Photo

"In order to make the representatives better contact voters and accurately serve the masses, we have drawn this distributed map to urge the people's congress to serve the service, responsibility to people, accurate to the point, and implement it." Li Xiaoyu, staff member of the Party and Government Office of Shuangfeng Tell reporters.

Shuangfeng Town is located in the northeast of the Tasar Basin in the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain, with a population of 14,000 households. At the end of November 2018, the Presidium of Shuangfeng Town Presidium and the People's Government of Shuangfeng Town were elected.

In order to facilitate voters and serving the masses nearby, the Presidium of the Town People's Congress set up a liaison station in the concentrated area of ​​the residents. The contact information of the people's congresses of the contact station and the opening time of the people's congress have "on the wall" to achieve information disclosure.

Wu Haiping, Secretary of the Party Branch of Shuangfeng Community, is a representative of the People's Congress of Tiemenguan City and Shuangfeng Town. On the map, his red pentagram is marked in the Shuangfeng community. After implementing the representative of the National People's Congress, he is engaged in the community. At the same time as work, it can play a more high -quality and efficient role of representatives of the People's Congress "propaganda, service, and leading" to make a profit for private affairs.

From the perspective of the distribution map of the people's congress, the most concentrated place for red pentagram is the position of the contact station of the people's congress.

"The sidewalks around the artificial lake and the community have no slow slopes, which causes inconvenience to the elderly. I hope to improve it." "Now it is too dark. Everyone wants to dance and play in the square on the square. I hope to install more lighting facilities. "On July 10th, during the reception day of the Liaison Station of the People's Congress of the People's Congress of the Shuangfeng Community, Yang Zheng, a representative of the people's congresses in the station and the town, carefully listened to the voter's voice, collected public opinion, and promised to solve it in the shortest time to solve it. Reflect.

Three days later, Li Gang, a resident who reflected the inconvenience of the elderly, received a reply, and the problems he reflected were solved.

On the way to get off work on July 19, when I saw the slowdown of the slope had been completed, Li Gang said excitedly: "The representative of the people's congress and the‘ Lianxin Bridge ’with communication between the people’ s congresses and us, the problems reflected are also echoed. I feel very comfortable. "

Wu Haiping, director of the station station station station, said that in addition to voters' reception day, the station is also open once a week to collect the opinions and demands of the masses. Regardless of the size, the matter will be carefully recorded and established. Those who belong to the scope of the town at this level shall be handled by relevant departments and units in a timely manner; if they are within the scope of the superior authority, the representatives of the station and municipal people's congress will be handled by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. The issue of appeal will guide the masses to reflect the comprehensive governance center of Shuangfeng Town.

This year, the representatives of the people's congresses at all levels of Shuangfeng Town focused on the actual difficulties facing the production and life of the masses. Up to now, 40 suggestions and suggestions for the masses have been collected, and 30 are transferred to relevant departments to solve 13 pieces of demands for the masses. Essence

"The distributed map of the people's congress can urge representatives to perform their duties better and promote the" Red Star "to illuminate the people's beautiful life." Li Xiaoyu told reporters that when the year -end performance evaluation, the people's congress representatives accurately serving the people to solve the people are very large. Through the performance of the performance, the masses can better understand the performance of the representatives and supervise it.

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