Wang Yubo held a work talks with academician experts

Author:Yunnan released Time:2022.07.20

On July 18, Wang Yubo, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, was held in Kunming and the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhu Rixiang, Zhou Zhonghe, Guo Zhengtang, Pan Yongxin, Hu Ruizhong, and relevant experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences held work talks.

Wang Yubo thanked all academicians and experts for his long -term care and support to Yunnan.He said that Yunnan attaches great importance to the development and utilization of new lithium resources, and is currently vigorously promoting the development of the entire industrial chain of the new energy battery.It is hoped that with the strong support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and all academicians and experts, in terms of new lithium resource mineral exploration and industrialization, we will strengthen the in -depth cooperation and development of government -enterprise and research and the development of industry -university and research.The road to the development and utilization of new lithium resources is used to promote the better transformation of Yunnan's resource advantages into industrial advantages.The two sides also exchanged cooperation in deepening paleontology research and scientific research talents.

Wang Xiangang and Sun Can attended the talks.

Written article: Zhang Yin

Photography: Huang Xingneng

Edit: Xu Yitong

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