Video | Refusing to cooperate with the regulations of the epidemic prevention work, men have been detained by the station

Author:Report Time:2022.07.20


Recently, a man was unable to show the effective nucleic acid to prove that the staff was stopped when he entered the station at Wuxi Station. As a result, he ignored the forcibly and forcibly rushing into the three "levels". At present, the man was administrative detention by the Railway Police Division for suspected disrupting the order of public places.

At 7:30 am on July 18th, the police on duty of the Wuxi Station Police Station received a report from the police that someone had a strong security checkpoint, so he immediately rushed to the scene to bring the man who had broken into the waiting room to the police station for further investigation.

It is understood that on the morning of the morning, the man Zhao came to Wuxi Station to take the high -speed rail to Nanjing. According to the current regulations on the prevention of epidemic prevention in Wuxi, the core of the kernel acidic acid was reported by the station. Down. Due to the anxiety of time, Zhao did not listen to the staff's discouraged, forcibly broke into the code -scanning verification office, the real -name authentication port, and passed through the security check belt, attempting to enter the waiting room. The epidemic prevention staff was prevented by Zhao. Someone hit the ground. In the process of falling to the ground, the right elbow was injured, causing many people at the scene to watch, affecting the normal order of entering the station. At present, Zhao was punished by the Shanghai Railway Police for 5 days for disrupting the order of public places.

Police reminded: Passengers should learn more about the prevalent requirements of the departure epidemic before travel, and strictly abide by the regulations of the epidemic prevention work. They should leave the waiting time.

Author: He Yi

Edit: Su Zhan

Editor in charge: Lu Yifeng

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source for reprinting.

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