Fight for the rise to see the middle, acceleration, strong gravity!At the time of the construction of Taixin Integrated Economic Zone

Author:Shanxi Daily New Media Time:2022.07.20

The interview group visited the construction site of the Yangqu standardized plant project in Taixin Integrated Economic Zone

Liu Yan, a reporter from Shanxi Daily, reported that the tower hanging forestry, the excavator roar, and the workers traveling through ... In July of Midsummer, the construction of the Taixin Integration Economic Zone was "hot" and the progress accelerated. On the morning of July 19th, "Fighting the rise and looking at the middle" -The 17th National Online Media Shanxi Interview Troupe came to the Taixin Integrated Economic Zone (Taiyuan District) Operation Center and the Taixin Integrity Economic Zone Yangqu Standardization Factory At the project construction site, you can feel the "speed and passion" of the planting of the factory buildings at close range.

Taixin Avenue is expected to be completed and opened to traffic at the end of July, the main structure of the Taiyuan Science and Technology Driving Center has been capped, and the Taixin Shuangban Industry Science and Technology Park has begun to take shape ... As a "first -hand chess" construction in Taiyuan District of Taixin Integrity, The infrastructure projects of the new city are in full swing.

Interview group visits the operation center of Taixin Integrated Economic Zone (Taiyuan District)

Taiyuan and Xinzhou are adjacent to the region, inheritance, humanities, and complementary endowments, and have the foundation and conditions of integrated development. "The construction of the Taixin Integration Economic Zone is a major measure of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government's construction of a group of two districts, three circles, three laps, and the development of the national strategic layout of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei coordinated development, and building a new engine of economic growth." Wang Xiangzheng, deputy director of the Taiyuan District Operation Center of Taixin Integrated Economic Zone, introduced the relevant background of the Taixin integrated economic zone to reporters.

According to the steps of "one year of effectiveness, three years, five years, and ten years, ten years", Taixin Integrated Economic Zone Taiyuan District seized the historical opportunities of the Xiongxin high -speed rail construction, adhered to regional coordinated development, and strengthened the main axis of Taiyuan -Xinzhou Development's main axis. Driving the role of radiation, gathering space for industrial development, creating seven major industrial clusters, building a development pattern of "one axis, two belt seven clusters", and promoting the formation of "one launch zone, three development zones, six counties (cities, districts)" The "136" linkage development pattern has continuously improved the gathering and diffusion effect of Taiyuan as the leading urban agglomeration of Shanxi.

"We must gradually build Taiyuan District into a scientific and technological innovation engine with regional influence, the main position of the industrial agglomeration, the new magnetic pole of talents, the open communication platform, and the ecological education demonstration area. The important corridor in the new district leads the province's all -round and high -quality development. "Wang Xiangzheng said.

Taixin Integrated Economic Zone Yangqu Standardization Factory Project

Subsequently, the interview group entered the construction site of the Yangqu standardized plant project in the Taixin Integrated Economic Zone, and saw huge steel structure components like "building blocks". The construction method is amazing.

It is understood that the project covers an area of ​​135.99 acres and a construction area of ​​65,693 square meters. The park is roughly divided into three areas: north, middle, and south, and planned to be planted as heavy industrial areas, light industrial areas, and administrative living areas. It is planned to be completed and delivered in mid -August this year.

"We settled in March this year, and began construction and transformation of the interior of the plant. At present, the workshop has trial production conditions." The person in charge Sun Yandong introduced that the infrastructure in the plant is perfect. Enterprises will strengthen technological research and development here, expand production scale, and further improve market competitiveness.

Sun Yandong introduced to reporters

China -Taiyuanke is a high -tech company that focuses on radiation imaging technology as the core and provides large security equipment that provides independent intellectual property rights. "Looking at the ordinary cargo picture, but wearing professional glasses, you can see the hidden people or things." Sun Yandong proudly said that the Sudong cargo vehicle inspection system is the world's first 3D security product.

"As the core area and startup area of ​​the Taixin Integration Economic Zone, Yangqu County, in accordance with the principle of" industrial agglomeration and land intensive ", use the construction of standardized plant as an important starting point for industrial development and an important position for investment promotion. In the development and innovation development of the core of gathering, it is a vanguard for the construction of the Taixin Integrated Economic Zone. "Bai Xiangguo, director of the construction and corporate development center of Yangqu County Park, talked about the development of the park and confident.

Edit: Wang Yu

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