More than 600 new global products will appear at the Second Expo

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.07.21

The 2nd China International Consumer Products Expo is about to start. Sheng Qiuping, deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce, said on the 20th that more than 1,600 brands from 61 countries and regions will participate in the exhibition, and it is expected that more than 600 new global new products will be launched.

Sheng Qiuping introduced at a press conference held on the same day that the total area of ​​the exhibition of the Consumer Expo was 100,000 square meters, an increase of 20,000 square meters over the first session. It is expected to continue to become the largest exhibition in the Asia -Pacific region. The international exhibition area is 80,000 square meters, accounting for 80%of the participating exhibition, and more than 1,600 brands from 61 countries and regions have participated in the exhibition. Among them, members of the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement" (RCEP) participated in the enthusiasm. Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and other countries have a total exhibition area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters, an increase of nearly 20%over the first time.

Sheng Qiuping said that compared with the first Calculating Expo last year, there are three characteristics of the Consumer Expo: focusing more consumer boutiques and gathered global head brands in more segmented industries; focusing on the first show of the new product, there will be more than 200 The brand has released more than 600 new products at the current Expo; focusing on the matching of exhibitions and sales, combined with the characteristics of exhibitors, focusing on inviting well -known domestic and foreign business enterprises, tax -free business enterprises, cross -border e -commerce companies, etc. Professional audiences will exceed 40,000.

In terms of agenda arrangements, the second China International Consumer Products Expo and the opening ceremony of the Global Consumption Forum will be held on the morning of July 25. On the afternoon of July 26, the 2nd Global Consumption Innovation and Tax Free and Tourism Retail Conference was held to explore hot topics of consumption and duty -free industry. In addition to key official activities, more than 100 forum activities will be held in the form of online and offline, including various forum activities, including including various forums, including Parallel forum, round table conversation, supply and connection, negotiation and signing.

Source: China News Network

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