Can be transmitted through droplets!The National Health and Health Commission issued the latest notice

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.15

On June 14th, the official website of the National Health and Health Commission issued the "Notice on Printing the Sending Monkey Acne Diagnosis and Treatment (2022 Edition)"


Since May this year, many non -streaming countries in the world have reported the case of monkey acne and have community communication. In order to make preparations for monkey acne medical treatment in advance and improve early clinical identification and standardized diagnosis and treatment capabilities, the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine have organized the "Monkey Acne Diagnosis and Treatment Guide (2022)" and released to the public.

According to the guide, monkey acne is a kind of human and beasts caused by monkey acne virus infection with viral diseases. Clinically manifested as fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy. The main source of infection is a rodent infected with monkey acne virus. Long -priests (including monkeys, chimpanzees, people, etc.) can also become a source of infection after infection.

How to spread monkey acne virus? The guide pointed out that the virus invades the human body through the mucosa and damaged skin. People are mainly infected by contacting the infection of animal lesions, blood, other body fluids, or infected by the infected animals. People are mainly transmitted through close contact, and can also be transmitted through droplets. Items contaminated by viruses may also be infected. They can also be transmitted vertically through the placenta. Can't exclude sexual communication.

What are the symptoms of monkey acne? According to the guide, cold wars and fever occurred in the early stage of the onset, and the body temperature was mostly above 38.5 ° C. It can accompany symptoms such as headache, drowsiness, fatigue, back pain, and muscle pain. Most patients have enlarged lymph nodes such as neck, armpit, groin and other parts. A rash occurs 1 to 3 days after the onset. About 2 to 4 weeks from the disease to crusting. Some patients may have complications, including secondary bacterial infections, bronchial pneumonia, encephalitis, keratin infections, and purulent disease in the skin lesion.

Guide pointed out that monkey acne is a self -limited disease, and most of the prognosis is good. Severe cases are common in young children and low immune functions. The prognosis is related to the infected virus branch, virus exposure, previous health status, and severity of complications. Those who have been vaccinated in the past have a certain degree of cross protection for monkey acne virus.

The guidelines are clear that suspected cases and confirmed cases should be placed in the isolation ward. Suspected cases areolate. The patient's body temperature is normal, the clinical symptoms have improved significantly, and the scabs can be discharged behind.

Source: Xinhua News Agency: Cheng Jiayi School Division: Wang Bei

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