People -oriented respect for the soil of fertility society (China Population Daily Review)

Author:China Family Planning Associat Time:2022.07.21

"Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Optimizing Perfecting Policy to Promote the Balanced Development of Population Population" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision of the Central Committee") has been released for one year. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the whole society actively acts to build a positive fertility support policy system , Reform the service management system and improve the development of family development capabilities, organize and implement the three -child fertility policy and supporting support measures. In the process of actively creating a friendly system environment and cultural atmosphere, "respecting the social value of fertility" as a core concept, becoming the spiritual background and bright spots of the construction of a friendly society.

In recent years, all sectors of society have conducted a lot of discussions on population issues. In the process, people have a deeper understanding of the value of fertility. Fertility has the value of family and society. The family value of fertility includes the joy of heaven, resistance to risks, intergenerational continuity, and end -of -the -ages, and the social value of fertility is reflected in providing human capital for the sustainable economic and social development. For the first time, the central government's "Decision" proposed "respect for the social value of fertility", which not only reflects the high attention of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to promote the coordinated development of population and economy and society, but also Society provides spiritual guidance.

To implement the spirit of the Central Government's "Decision", it is necessary to affirm the positive significance of family fertility on economic and social development at the value level, and to respect the soil of fertility society. Society is a human society, and fertility is of the same important significance for family and society. Over the past few decades, my country's abundant labor resources have provided human capital support for the sustainable economic development. Family fertility not only brings joy to the family, but also provides surging motivation for economic and social progress. In recent years, the average initial age of residents in my country has been pushing back, becoming a hot topic of discussions from all walks of life. Behind this phenomenon, there are both the subjective factors of the young people's family concepts or tend to "start a job first and then become a family", as well as the objective factors restricting the objective factors of employment pressure and heavy economic burden. Whether it can solve the pressure of marriage and childbearing facing the masses is related to the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses, and the implementation of the implementation of fertility policies. This requires all local departments to reflect the social value of respect for fertility in a solid guarantee and improvement of people's livelihood work, so that public policies and public services reflect the care of family fertility and better respond to young people's concerns about reality. Showing the policy temperature of fertility support.

To respect the soil of fertility society, it is necessary to provide comprehensive support at the practical level. At present, the factors that affect the willingness of the masses are mainly economic and social factors. Related economic and social policies and measures are not supported and unconnected. How to optimize the improvement of fertility support policies and better realize the policy goal of the family's "good, affordable, and teaching well", and test the governance wisdom of all localities and departments. It is necessary to focus on building a systematic fertility support policy system. It must not only focus on "life", but also give comprehensive support for fertility subjects in the full life cycle such as raising and education. Inclusive public services, humanized welfare guarantees, accurately respond to the childbirth willingness of fertility, and meet their fertility needs.

To respect the soil of fertility society, it is necessary to advocate a new type of wedding and childbirth at the cultural level, and to promote fertility and eugenics. The universal late marriage and childbirth of the appropriate age are, although the young people make a rational choice between the adults and the business, but also objectively exacerbate the risk of age. We must face up to the changes in young people's family concepts, and pay more attention to the impact of economic and social factors on young people's family concepts, and have more interested in young people. While helping them to break the practical factors that hinder the age of marriage and eugenics, they do it with their hearts and affection. Good marriage and love education, guide young people to establish a new type of wedding and childbirth, and break the utilitarization and "idealization" tendency of some people. It is necessary to increase the publicity of the population situation and the new type of wedding and childbirth in the whole society, guide the general public to correctly understand the structural changes of the population of our country, and understand the significance of the coordinated development of population and economy and society.

People are the driving force for development, and the purpose of development is people. The implementation of the three -child fertility policy and supporting support measures must adhere to the people -oriented, respect the main role of the family in fertility, and respect the social value of fertility. Only by the true understanding and practical respect for the value of fertility society can all circles of society be formed by the real soil of family friendship and fertility friendship. We firmly believe that in the social environment of fertility, the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the majority of fertility families will definitely become stronger and stronger.

Laiyuan: China Population Newspaper, July 20, 2022, 7046 Original Title: People -oriented respect for the soil of fertility society -written in the first anniversary of the release of the central government

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