Congratulations to Professor Lin Yi for being awarded the 4th master of Chinese medicine

Author:Guangdong Provincial Hospital Time:2022.07.21

On July 20, the official website of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued a decision on commending the 4th Chinese Medicine Master and the Second National Famous Chinese Medicine. Essence Lin Yi, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Guangdong Provincial Hospital), was elected as the 4th master of Chinese medicine, and Zhang Zhongde was elected as the second national famous Chinese medicine medicine.

Lin Yi, chief physician, professor, professor, professor of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Guangdong Provincial Hospital), the first national famous Chinese medicine medicine, and the master of Chinese medicine. In 1986 and 1995, he was awarded the title of "National Advanced Workers in the Country". In 1993, he was a special allowance of the State Council Government. The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a key academic leader of breast disease, and honorary professor at the University of Hong Kong.

57 years of medicine, the creation of traditional Chinese medicine breast disease specialty, leading the construction of modern traditional Chinese medicine breast disease. Over the year, it still insists on serving the majority of patients in the first line of clinical practice. 6 days a week, and the number of patients with more than 10,000 people in the annual serving patients is more than 10,000. Put forward a series of academic ideas such as "Liuyu Milk", and in response to modern medicine difficulties and blind spots, use the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine to treat mastitis and proliferative diseases, and use special therapy to cut into breast cancer prevention and treatment. Learn the founder and pioneer.

Lin Yi was born during the Anti -Japanese War in 1942. At that time, the father of a military doctor named her "Yi", which was intended to "be a scholar." Born in the Western Medicine Family, he dreams of being a pilot from an early age, but he has devoted himself to Chinese medicine for a lifetime. For more than half a century, Lin Yi used Qihuang as a shield to block the "pink killer" that threatened women's health. She said: "Choose Chinese medicine, I have no regrets! I have overcome breast diseases, I have both storms and rain!" The Chinese medicine iron lady never stopped pursuing and struggling.

Pioneering TCM Breast Specialty

Lin Yi graduated from Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (now Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine). At the time of graduation, she was inspired by famous Chinese medicine medicine such as Ban Xiuwen and Lin Peixiang. She was determined to temper herself in clinical practice. She gave up the opportunity to teach in school and chose to start her career in the surgery of Guilin City Hospital.

As a rare female doctor in surgery, there were many patients with mastitis who came to Lin Yi at the time. In response to the problem of cutting drainage wounds for a long time and affecting the appearance of breast appearance, Lin Yinqin asked for ancient training, innovated electric fire needle instruments and "fire needle hole padding dodration", and developed a variety of specialized preparations. It has special advantages in shortening the course of disease, reducing recurrence, and improving appearance, which reduces the pain of patients. Lin Yi rises from this fame. She further founded the first domestic traditional Chinese medicine mammary disease specialist. In 1995, it was awarded the only "National Traditional Chinese Medicine Breast Disease Medical Center" by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Medical center.

In 1997, the 55 -year -old Lin Yi was invited to Guangdong to create the breast department of Guangdong Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Under her leadership, the breast department of Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has achieved leapfrog development from scratch, from small to large, from small to large. Nowadays, the Department of Breast Department of Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has become the largest in China and a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese and western medicine. The annual service patients and annual breast cancer surgery are ranked first in the national traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

Lin Yi served as the chairman of the Breast Disease Professional Committee of the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Society for 16 years, and promoted the upgrade of the special committee to the Breast Disease Branch of the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Society.

Innovate breast theoretical prescription medicine

From 57 years of medical treatment, Lin Yi advocated that "the disease -based, syndrome differentiation, combined with disease syndrome, and symptoms and cure" as the clinical guidance of Chinese medicine, adhere to the "Chinese medicine superiority, the disease can be west, and the dysfunction of the disease. , Combining Species and Critical Critical Causes. " On the basis of inheriting the essence of the demeanor certificate of the past generations, she combined with long -term clinical practical experience, and proposed the theory of "Liuyu Treatment" and "cure milk alone" and "cure milk and qi, not only in the liver" and other important academic views. The establishment of "traditional Chinese medicine cycle therapy", mastitis "yin and yang, legislative balance", and breast cancer "staging differentiation" diagnosis and treatment system for mastitis, and the clinical application effect was significant.

In order to promote the standardization of traditional Chinese medicine breast disease diagnosis and treatment, so that Chinese medicine mammary physicians have chapters. She led the tissue of top experts in the field of traditional Chinese medicine breast disease. Many diseases in the field of breast disease provide a diagnosis and treatment plan for the domestic traditional Chinese medicine breast disease industry.

She advocates equal prevention and treatment, combined with the same body and mind, and combined Taoism. She has successively edited "female health guide germs" and "eight methods for breast health care", and the latter was selected as a prescription for Health Qigong Sports of the State General Administration of Sports. She took the lead in introducing emotional therapy, five audio therapy, exercise therapy, and group therapy into breast disease prevention and treatment, and constructed a mammary disease prevention system covering the whole disease and full -cycle.

There are 14 types of internal doses of Lin Yi R & D, of which there are many "star products" such as oral liquid and creditwood, and have been used in medical institutions such as Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guilin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, etc. to achieve satisfactory results. In response to the potential risk of phlegm and stasis and disorders with high risk factors, the risk of dysfunctional breast hyperplasia, she led the team to take more than ten years of technical research, and optimized the formation of "relief granules" on the basis of the consumer oral liquid series preparations. This prescription consists of tulips, Curdia, Xianling spleen, cistanus, etc., which has the effects of relieving liver activating blood circulation, nourishing the kidneys and helping the yang, adjusting the photography, and the symptoms and the cure. Effective. This drug was approved for a new drug certificate in 2018. Since the state's implementation of a drug listing license holder system, the first Chinese medicine innovation drug that was approved by the R & D institution as the holder was approved. It is also the first US FDA standard. Western medicine standards at the same time passed the Chinese medicine innovation medicine. Cultivate Chinese medicine and talents at home and abroad

Xinglin Xingjiao, Zhenduo passed away from the paid map. Over the years, Lin Yi has adhered to talents as the first resource to promote and lead the development of Chinese medicine at home and abroad.

In 1988, he was approved by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Taiwan Affairs Office. The mainstay. The Guilin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital led by Lin Yi was awarded the "Academic Exchange Base to Taiwan Medicine" by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chen Lifu's title "Sports Tao" praised her to contribute to the academic development of Chinese medicine on both sides of the strait.

In 1995, he was commissioned by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and held the first phase of the "National Promotion Class of TCM Diagnosis and Treatment of TCM Breast Diseases". Since then, Lin Yi regularly hosted a variety of national -level continuing education projects to set up a high -level academic exchange platform. The academic thoughts, advanced technology, and diagnosis and treatment experience of breast disease have been promoted to all parts of the country, injecting a number of new forces into the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and cultivating a large number of Chinese medicine leaders and backbone talents at home and abroad. As the instructor inheritance of the academic experience in the academic experience of the second, fourth, and seven batches of old Chinese medicine experts, he has trained 6 academic heirs and 22 disciples. Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Society, Deputy Chairman of the Breast Disease Branch, Scholar of Youth Qihuang, and outstanding young medical talents in Guangdong Province.

"Professor Lin always requires students with high standards." The second batch of academic experience in the academic experience of old Chinese medicine experts, Situ Honglin, the first national traditional Chinese medicine inheritance high -apprentice winner, "she hopes that students can establish the cultural self -confidence of Chinese medicine, Theoretical self -confidence, road self -confidence, and self -confidence, and strive to maximize the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine. "

She was hired by the Honorary Professor of the University of Hong Kong and Honorary Dean of the Kumamoto Functional Hospital of Japan.

Establish a model of Jishi Liangye

Today, Lin Yi, who is over 80 years old, still insists on the diagnosis of six days a week, with more than 10,000 people in serving patients in the annual service. She worked at the night of the night, and it was still difficult to satisfy patients who came around the country to seek consultation. She was trembling and agile. She opened the clinic at 8 o'clock every day. She often worked continuously until 2 or 3 pm. Although the clinical work is busy, the patient has never perfunctory patients, and he still patiently collects the medical history, checks the body, and looks at the tongue. "Busy is a good thing, indicating that the masses need Chinese medicine, indicating that Chinese medicine has vitality. Although tired, the patient needs it, it is my greatest happiness, so I should keep doing it all the time."

She can be called "apricot forest evergreen tree". At the age of 55, she resolutely left Guilin City Hospital of Guilin City, who worked for 13 years. In the year, she still led the team to develop new drugs. After more than ten years of research, she was approved and listed to write a new chapter for the research and development of the new medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. In the ancient years, the Society of Chinese Medicine was upgraded to a breast disease branch to build a high -level academic platform for the domestic traditional Chinese medicine breast disease industry. In her honor book, in the past 5 years, as the first completion, he has won 2 provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards, 1 science and technology award of the Chinese Society of Chinese Medicine, and Li Shizhen Medical Innovation Award.

"I have never restricted what you must do at a certain age. Now that you have chosen the road of traditional Chinese medicine and the cause of this for the country and the people, you should go on your mind."

It is, with this endless spirit of struggle, he has continuously dug the treasure house of Chinese medicine and inherit the essence of innovative Chinese medicine. Lin Yi has lifted the suffering of countless patients, established the model of Jishi Liangye, and achieved remarkable achievements.

Executive editor: Wu Yuan Tuan

Audit school pair: Zhuang Yingge

Editor in charge: Song Liping

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