[Henan Satellite TV] "Stable Economy China Plains" Shangqiu: Focus on the industrial chain investment promotion busy

Author:Internet message Shangqiu Time:2022.07.21

Henan Satellite TV "Henan News Network" was broadcast on July 20:

Since the beginning of this year, Shangqiu City has regarded investment promotion as an important starting point for modern Shangqiu construction, focusing on leading industries and characteristic industries, focusing on extension chain, supplementary chain, and strong chain, promoting the construction of major projects, and building a modern industrial cluster.

[Reporter Chen Tao] Audience friend, I am now in the Pancheng County King Kong Stone Industrial Park. After completion, it will form a complete industrial chain from the original auxiliary materials to diamond jewelry.

Since the beginning of this year, Tancheng County has implemented 35 "three batches" projects around the three leading industries of ultra -hard materials, biomedicine and electronic information, with a total investment of 26.3 billion yuan.

Suixian is known as Zhongyuan Shoe Capital. Today, in the factory area of ​​Zhongqiao Henan Sports Co., Ltd., which was put into production at the beginning of the year, eight production lines are horsepower and can complete 18,000 pairs of order output every day. In the Shenhui Vision Shangqiu Robot Co., Ltd., which is less than two kilometers apart, a shoe -making robot production line is undergoing research and development assembly. This company can currently provide intelligent equipment such as 3D industrial cameras and industrial robots for shoe -making companies, and realize the same line production of different shoe codes and shoes according to production needs.

Focusing on the shoe production industry, Yixian has paid attention to the entire park investment. Since this year, the Ruian shoe industry manufacturing logistics integration industrial park, which has invested 3 billion yuan, has invested 1.2 billion yuan in Jordan Sports Industrial Park, and Sikai, who has invested 1 billion yuan Qifu Sheng shoes industry and other projects.

Firmly establish the concept of "project as king", Shangqiu integrates into the Yangtze River Delta to the east, benchmarks the Zhengzhou metropolitan area from the West, and accelerates the implementation of industrial engines, agricultural gold land, and service industry golden keys. It has signed online projects with the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei regions. A total of nearly 30 projects signed a total of nearly 30 projects, with a total investment of nearly 33 billion.

Source: Henan Radio and Television Station Shangqiu Reporter Station

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