A woman in Guangzhou had a sudden fever during sports and rescued for nearly 9 hours before she was out of danger

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.07.21

Guangzhou's "high -inflammatory value" model continues, and the citizens travel to the umbrella and hold a small fan to visualize the Chinese picture.

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Lin Qingqing intern Han Jingyi correspondent Song Liping

Recently, Guangzhou continuously reported the number of heat stroke incidents, of which a sudden thermal radiation disease was for the women's movement, and it was rescued after 9 hours.

How to spend the heat for the day after day? The doctor reminded that hiding in the air -conditioned room all day does not sweat, not a scientific and healthy way of heat, maintaining scientific and regular movements, helping to improve human body resistance and tolerance to the environment. But how to move scientifically at high temperature to prevent safety risks caused by heat stroke and excessive exercise? A reporter from Yangcheng Evening News interviewed experts.

Seeing heat stroke again

Women's sudden fever, life -threatening life

"Someone fainted!" At 18:40 on July 16th, the Department of Emergency Department of the University of the University of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine received a request for a 120 vehicle.

The medical staff quickly rushed to the scene and found that the patient was a 30 -year -old woman who was wearing a sportswear and fainted outside a university in Guangzhou. "At that time, she was unclear, with fast heart rate, low blood pressure, and constantly twitching. The measured body temperature reached 40 ° C." Zeng Jing, an emergency doctor who was admitted to the doctor, told reporters that this is the most serious one in the severe heat stroke - The symptoms of thermal ejection disease are faced with danger of life.

First aid personnel quickly opened multiple vein pathways for patients, and carried out emergency rescue through measures such as fluid replenishment and drug sedation. At the same time, they used ice caps and ice packs to cool down the patients under the armpit and groin, and kept urine. After the emergency treatment, the transfer to the hospital continued to actively rescue. Until 3 am on the 17th, the patient turned consciously, the body temperature dropped, the living signs were stable, and the danger of life was separated. From the stroke to fainting to the danger, it has gone through nearly 9 hours. At present, patients still stay in hospital for treatment.

It is reported that the hospital has recently been diagnosed with 4 cases of severe heat stroke, such as thermal cramps and thermal irritation, and previous cases were mostly caused by outdoor work. "On the 16th, the patients with fever was not carried around when they were discovered. Time to replenish water in time is just an important measure to prevent heat stroke at high temperatures. I hope the public will pay attention." Zeng Jing reminded.

Guangzhou running group training generally has a fixed route and a picture of guarantee personnel/Sister Hua

Doctor's reminder

High temperature weather, cautious prevention of heat stroke also requires moderate exercise

At high temperatures, Guangzhou has reported continuously. Wang Min, deputy captain of the Guangzhou Emergency Medical Rescue Team and "Physician Runner", reminded that heat strokes from threatened heat stroke, mildness to severe heat stroke, can follow. In high temperature and high humidity environment, when dizziness, headache, muscle spasm, numbness of hands and feet, even nausea, vomiting, and unclear consciousness may be heat stroke, and emergency treatment should be performed immediately.

"But hiding in the air -conditioned room all day is not sweating, and it is not a way to spend a scientific health." Wang Min said, "Maintaining a scientific regular movement can help improve human body resistance and tolerance to the environment."

Xu Huicong, deputy chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Guangdong Province, said that at high temperature, exercise should pay attention to planning suitable exercise intensity. When you find that the heart rate is high, you should timely reduce the strength and running speed, and timely supplement moisture and electrolyte to avoid excessive exercise.

Reporter visit

"Xia Lian Sanfu", the scientific movement is particular

In Guangzhou, the Pearl River, Ersha Island, Yuexiu Park, and the major campus sports fields are popular sports sites, and the midsummer is still hot.

At 19:30 on the 20th, the reporter saw in Yuexiu Park that many people sweated under the night at a high temperature of 31 ° C. It is understood that many local running teams such as Yuexiu Mountain Long Running Team, Cotton Club, Yue Running Team, Baiyunshan Running Team, and Guangzhou Blue Sky Rescue Team have been trained here for a long time. Coupled with the scattered public runners, there were fifty or sixty people who ran in Yuexiu Park that night.

"Local runners generally associate with training. There are relatively fixed venues and routes. The running group will set up a special protection supply. There are also many first -aid personnel in the team. Pan Qinghua, the founder of the sheep club, told reporters that "Xia Lian Sanfu" is normal for sports enthusiasts, but also requires scientific training to ensure safety and sports effects.

Pan Qinghua reminded that in the summer, you can generally choose to exercise before 7:30 or 19:30 to avoid the sun exposure; it is recommended to maintain regular training of about 3 times a week. If you do n’t exercise, it is not recommended to suddenly perform severe exercise or running long -distance running at high temperatures. For novices, it is recommended to conduct strength training, technical actions and running training at the same time to prevent exercise damage. In addition, in high temperature weather, it is recommended to form a team or follow the team training with your companion, so that when you have not realized the risk, some teammates remind and first aid in time.

Many runners will conduct heat -resistant training in the summer to improve their body's ability to adapt to the environment and exercise ability. Pan Qinghua reminded the first runner that heat resistance training is not running during the day of the sun, but training without various indicators such as heart rate. Or the stadium around the circle to facilitate supply, cooling, and emergency treatment.


Remember the "8 -character Tips" in Lu Yu heat stroke

How can passers -by provide help in time when facing sudden heat stroke? Wang Min said that it can be remembered: heat dissipation, cooling, hydration, and medical treatment.

The heat stroke should be transferred to a well -ventilated shade place immediately to help them undress; immediately replenish the water for a small amount of water, be careful not to drink a lot of water at one time, so as not to cause electrolyte disorders;Help quickly cool down: Use towels to wrap the ice pack or ice mineral water, and place 5 places at the forehead, back, chest, elbow fossa, and thighs. For severe heat stroke, you should call 120 treatment immediately.Wang Min reminded that when waiting for an ambulance, he should pay attention to the patient's condition and not blindly rescue.The muscles of patients with fever may have unsteady convulsions.In this case, avoid patients to hurt themselves.Don't put anything in the patient's mouth, don't try to feed the patient.If the patient vomits, the patient's body can be turned on the side to ensure that the respiratory tract is unobstructed and avoid accidental suction.

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