Help Datong Huanghua Industry Development, Forgetting Worry -Wet Cao Evil is in action

Author:Funan Shanxi Time:2022.07.21

Recently, the Datong City Grand Woman Cao Volunteer Service Team, which is composed of the majority of cadres and employees and people from all walks of life from the Datong Market Supervision Bureau, drove to the Huanghua Production Base in Yunzhou District, Datong City to carry out practical activities to help Datong Huanghua industry high with volunteer services. Quality development.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, under the leadership of Dufu, the party secretary and director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, more than 150 volunteers of forgetful grass went deep into the 100 acres of organic yellow flowers planting bases in Xiayujian Village, Yunzhou District for yellow flowers.

Volunteers hold the picking basket, go deep into the field, gently pick a yellow flower to be placed in the basket, and feel the joy of the yellow flower harvest. Through personal experience, everyone deeply appreciates the hard work of farmers' work, and it is more true that it is not easy for one tea and one meal to eat, and they should cherish it. Volunteers also took the initiative to buy yellow flowers picked by themselves, and they tried to help Datong Huanghua's development.

After the picking, everyone also went to Yunzhou District Huanghua Production Base, Hua Qingcheng Agricultural Co., Ltd. and the Forest Farm. Learn more about the entire process of planting, picking, killing, drying, processing, and sales of Yunzhou District. Everyone has expressed that they must give full play to the role of voluntary service for forgetfulness, be a good propagandist and supervisor, and contribute to their own drips for voluntary services.

Source: Datong Market Supervision Bureau

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