Yishan Town, Cangnan County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province Carry out children's fun science popularization garbage classification public welfare classroom activities

Author:Qianjiang Video Time:2022.07.21

In order to better promote the construction of children's friendly communities, guide children to actively participate in garbage classification, and promote the healthy growth of children.On the afternoon of July 19, the Women's Federation of the Yiyi Community of Yishan Town, Cangnan County, Wenzhou launched a public welfare class event for children's fun popular science "big turntables". This event has 15 groups of parent -child families sign up.

In the classroom, the volunteers and the children and the children came from "what is garbage classification" to "the benefits of garbage classification" to "preventing garbage production", discussed and answered one by one. Finally, everyone summarized and summarized the answer.At the same time, there is also a large -scale game -enhancing game, which has also carried out a large -scale rotary turntable, and you guess than me, which has inspired the enthusiasm of the parent -child family.

This event was well received. Everyone said that this game form was well designed and the process was not boring. They could learn the knowledge of garbage classification in addition to entertainment.Through this activity, not only to deepen the knowledge of garbage classification subtly, but also established the concept of environmental protection, strengthened the awareness of the launch of garbage and environmental protection, and created a strong atmosphere of children.

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