Jiuquan's agricultural product quality grid management is promoted in an orderly manner

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.07.21

Scientific intelligence and effectiveness

Jiuquan's agricultural product quality grid management is promoted in an orderly manner

Newspaper (all media reporter Guo Jun correspondent Zhang Yanli) Since this year, Jiuquan City has been based on the safety of the agricultural industry, maintains the health of the people, adheres to standardized production, standardized management, improves the internal system of the quality supervision system, and builds high -standard agricultural product quality and safety demonstration sites. It laid a solid foundation for the construction of the city's agricultural product quality grid.

The reporter learned that in order to effectively solve the problem of "output" safety, Jiuquan City actively started from "managing", promoted the grid management system, improved the regulatory system, and ensured the quality and safety of agricultural products. The grass -roots grid organization also set up a grid -based management leading group, base and enterprises to establish internal coordinator teams to achieve the "three in place" of leadership, work and measures, and forming "horizontal to edge, vertical to the end from top to bottom, to the end The regulatory mechanism of comprehensive responsibility effectively enhanced the implementation of territorial, supervision and subject three parties.

Jiuquan City also formulated the "Specifications for the Monitoring of Agricultural Products Quality Monitoring" and "Jiuquan Agricultural Product Quality Grid Management Operation Specifications" in accordance with the actual supervision. , Laid the foundation for grid management.

In order to completely solve the problem of the initial and last "one kilometers" of agricultural product safety, Jiuquan City actively strives for the national geographical indication protection project, the full quality control system of agricultural products, and the intelligent supervision traceability back to the city's CAQS -Gap pilot application and demonstration. The quality of agricultural products can be controlled and injects a strong motivation. At the same time, strengthen the application of agricultural product inspection and supervision technology innovation and transformation applications, adopt the method of packed townships and squats, and make every effort to promote agricultural science and technology field activities, and strengthen technical services for major production bases. The laboratory opening day, launching skills, and on -site training guidance have reached 1,200 technical technical technologies, which comprehensively improved the technical level and agricultural quality and safety awareness of managers and producers.

In order to achieve scientific, clarified, intelligent, and effective, Jiuquan City rely on routine random inspections, supervision and random inspections, and "three products and one standard" certification on -site inspection, and comprehensively carried out investigation and grid construction inspections of business entities. At present, the city has completed 65 township grids and 415 village -level grids, with a completion rate of 90%.

Editor in charge: Tian Xue

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