Full of routines!These two scammers exchange fake jade to exchange real gold, dedicated to deceive the elderly

Author:Qilu Yiyi Time:2022.07.21

Reporter Zhang Guotong

Speaking of "acting", the acting skills of these two scammers do not take the common way. At 7 o'clock on July 14, Ms. Li, a citizen of Heze, came to the Yue Cheng Police Station of the Heze Public Security Bureau Development Zone Development Zone, saying that her pair of gold earrings were cheated by two men's "double reeds" with a piece of fake jade.

In this regard, the Yue Cheng Police Station immediately jointly jointly jointly synthesized the combat center and the video reconnaissance operation team to conduct investigations. Through visiting investigation and video analysis and tracking, the police quickly locked the two crimes. Su Mou and Liu were arrested and brought to justice.

After investigation by the police, the man of the crime explained that Su was a native of Huoxian County, Henan Province. He had many frauds in the future, while Liu was from Caoxian, and the two were friends.

On the afternoon of July 12, Su came to Hanji Town, Caoxian County from Henan Jixian County to find Liu. It discussed that it was tens of yuan of resin handicrafts worth tens of yuan in online shopping. As soon as the two were shot, they set up a secret plan for the "double reed" division of labor, and designed lines to trick the elderly to hook.

At 6 o'clock on July 14, the two drove to a community near Yuecheng Street Office of the Municipal Development Zone. After stopping the car, Su Mou rode a bicycle, Liu Mou rode an electric car, looking for the target of the crime near the community.

Su Mou found a lady Li who was riding an electric car and went forward to talk and took out the props prepared in advance. He claimed to be the "antique jade" he had dug out at the construction site. Essence

At this time, Liu, who followed, came around to play the "double reed", pretending to be "experts", saying that it was a good jade, at least he could change the gold ring, claiming that he was going to buy it. After some "bargaining", the two determined to be sold at a price of more than 2,000 yuan in cash. Later, Liu said that the cash on his body was not enough, and he went home to get the money for Su to wait for a while.

After Liu left, Su Mou encouraged Mrs. Li to buy. Aunt Li was fooled by the "double spring" of the two just now, and she had the thought of buying. Su said that she could replace it with a pair of gold ear pegs of Mrs. Li. After Su Mou fled Li's golden ear to his hand, he and Liu fled the scene quickly.

During the investigation, the police found that the "jade" used by the two scams were all resin materials. However, in terms of texture and weight, fake jade is far from true jade. As long as it is a little framed, the lies can be exposed. However, under the flicker of the "double spring", people often relax their vigilance and think that they have picked up cheap, especially the older people who are old, and accidentally stepped into the trap set by criminals. The police reminded that we must strengthen the awareness of anti -fraud, and keep in mind that "there will be no pie in the sky."

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