Wangying Town Unblocked grass -roots governance "last meter"

Author:Farm Bookstore Magazine Time:2022.07.21

A highway pen is directly connected to the distance, the lamps are on the street, the village windows are clear, and the paddy fields are green ... The four groups of the four groups of beautiful rural pictures are like a beautiful rural scroll, which is refreshing.

The scene in front of me is difficult to associate with "dirty mess". The former garbage was full of contradictions, and there were only the memory of the villagers.

A key is opened. In recent years, Wangying Town has played a leading party building leader. Through the new model of "leadership of the party branch+group enforcement+villagers participation", the establishment of the Shuangzhai Village Autonomous Group is innovative to unblock the "micro -end of the grassroots" to form a "self -built self -construction, co -operated together The pattern of governing sharing ".

Visit the households in the Village Branch of Aries. Photo by Zhao Enfeng

From "three" to "together"

Shuangzhai, located in the four groups of Aries Tsui Village. In ancient times, it was named after two mountains.

In 1976, Shuangzhai People's Commune jurisdiction over three brigades of Aries, streams and slate water. The villagers nearby have continued to move here, forming a miscellaneous environment, and gradually appeared like a small town.

On both sides of the highway with a long 640 meters of Shuangzhai, there are 318 villagers who live in 6 villagers in 6 villagers in 6 villages in 6 villages in 6 villages of Aries, Creek, Gaokanzi, fishing, slate water and Qingyuan.

Because from different villages, villagers are in the world, and contradictions occur from time to time. The pace of rectification of the living environment is different ... In the impression of the villagers, Shuangzhai has become a place of "three regardless of".

The villagers swept the snow in front of the door, causing the garbage on both sides of the road, and the scenes were everywhere.

Hou Xueying, secretary of the Party Branch of A Yangtui Village, introduced that the most headache is the contradiction. "I am not from your village." When mediation disputes, I often encounter such a response from villagers.

Although most of the contradictions were resolved under the patient mediation of village cadres, a small number of disputes had to be handed over to the town to resolve.

How to make different people sit on a table to eat? The party committee and government of Wangying Town and the People's Procuratorate of the Village Units at that time have been looking for a path.

In December 2019, the Shuangzhai Village Autonomous Group was officially listed. The autonomous team was established under the leadership of the Party Branch of Aries Tsui Village. The members of the group were all voted by representatives of 71 local villagers. Wang Tinggui, the secretary of the Party branch of the original village of Byangzui Village, served as the director of the autonomous group; the four groups of villagers Zhang Wujiang were the deputy director. He contributed his house as an office position as a group; Yuan Haiying from Xiaoxi Village was selected as a comprehensive governance member.

The Shuangzhai Village Autonomous Group was elected by the villagers, and naturally was recognized by the villagers. It gradually changed Shuangzhai from the "three" to "together."

From "passive governance" to "active introduction"

The new official took three fires. After discussion, Shuangzhai Village Autonomous Group first started with environmental rectification.

In addition to the promotion of environmental improvement and propaganda, in December 2019, the village party branch and the autonomous team jointly organized villagers to observe the fourteen groups. The villagers of this group spontaneously made money to repair the road, planted flowers and plants along the road, and clean and tidy after the house.

After a day of sightseeing, many villagers were deeply touched. "Other people, why don't we do it, we must treat Shuangzhai as a common home." The villagers on both sides of Shuangzhai Street picked up a broom to clean the courtyard and cleaned the road in front of the door.

The Party Branch of the Book of Steel Village has also passed a series of evaluations to create an atmosphere of rushing to learn from learning.

Xiang Guangqiang from Xiaoxi Village was rated as an environmental sanitation demonstration household, and also received a reward on the spot -a bag of laundry powder and two toilet paper; Zhang Hanfen from Qingyuan Village was rated as "the most beautiful village aunt" ...

The villagers of Shuangzhai come from different villages. They gradually break the regional boundaries and become a family of mutual help. "A Yangtui did not treat us as an outsider." Many villagers sighed.

With the joint efforts of everyone, Shuangzhai took off the "dirty and messy" hat, and replaced it with the village and clean spirit and beautiful villages.

In terms of contradiction adjustment, the villagers no longer have the idea of ​​"I don't return to you", because the representatives of the autonomous group were selected by themselves. They must support their work. "

When the autonomous group was in conflict, he adhering to a public heart and was impartial and spoke with evidence. Both villagers are from outside villagers. Wang Tinggui, director of the autonomous group, and others went to the door to understand the situation, do work on both sides, and finally found the original file to be used to serve people and lively.

There are contradictions such as land boundary and house boundaries between neighbors. There is no need to scold and scold, as long as you find the autonomous group to solve the problem. "Now everyone rarely has contradictions. I am this comprehensive governance member who is responsible for coordinating neighborhood relationships and resolving contradictions and disputes." Yuan Haiying said with a smile.

From "cold eyes" to "active work"

At the beginning of the rural human settlement environment, some villagers believed that it was just a matter of village cadres, and cadres and villagers saw it.

In order to mobilize the consciousness and enthusiasm of the villagers to participate in the renovation of the living environment, members of the autonomous team made an example with actual actions, took the lead in cleaning the cleaning work in front of the house, and driving the villagers to participate in the construction of beautiful rural areas.

In 2020, the Party Branch of the Book of Saturum Village received the support of the "sharp knife class" of the "Sword Class" in the Village of the State People's Procuratorate. The villagers who renovated the renovation of the courtyard implemented a reward policy in the village, and each household provided 3 tons of cement.

Hou Xueying, secretary of the village party branch, introduced that the village policy should enjoy the villagers of Shuangzhai. The village will be repaired to each household, and the street lights are installed on both sides of Shuangzhai Street ... In 2020, 20 street lights were installed on both sides of Shuangzhai Street. The villagers actively responded that they were on the ground, paying for cement to build foundation piles, actively lifting the street lights, and actively supported street light installation with action.

"Because the villagers have done a lot of basic work, we bought 15 more street lights with the money." Hou Xueying praised the masses with great strength.

The development of industrial development, grassroots governance, township style civilization ... The villagers can see the active participation everywhere, and they are no longer cold -eyed to watch.

Sun Pin Shan, 81, is from Qingyuan Village. As an old party member with more than 50 years old, he took the initiative to ask for an environmental sanitation supervisor. He goes on the road regularly every week to check the environmental hygiene near Shuangzhai Street, make suggestions for villagers, and urge to develop good habits.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Lichuan Municipal Party Committee, Wangying Town explores the autonomy model of the villagers 'group, maximizes the enthusiasm and initiative of the villagers' self -management, and manages according to law, so that the villagers will be the protagonist of the beautiful countryside construction. At the junction of the village, this model will be borrowed to play the "big movement" of grass -roots social governance with "community".

Author: Zhang Baoxun

Edit: Liu Xiaowei

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