Three design restaurants that burst into fire in July, enjoy food in fields and gardens

Author:Food table Time:2022.07.21

In early July, we interviewed three domestic design restaurants. They opened in the fields, gardens, and courtyards to see the transformation of the four seasons. Some diners said: "After eating here, I always want to stay for a while, it feels very camping."

The blessing of the coordinate Dali, sitting in the beautiful space of Monet's famous paintings, enjoying the meaning of dishes; 300 square meters in Chongqing, 300 square meters, colliding with authentic Sichuan flavors and delicate French meals, with unique flavors; Guangdong Huizhou, Guangdong, Huizhou, Guangdong; Guangdong, Huizhou, Guangdong; Salt and Hei Courtyard is pursuing simple and warm Japanese -style family dishes to simplify food.

In the post -epidemic era, the design of the restaurant has become more and more "camping". Sitting indoors, there is also a feeling of picnic in nature.

In June of Dali Studa, a greenery was called "Oriental Cambridge" by the writer Lao She. Through the lively ancient town, walk along the stone road to the red wall field, the corner is a low -key blessing field.

When she first saw the manager Hua Hua, she was busy in a sportswear. Colleagues installed the shed on the second floor. She stared at 3 cm more, and the branches were scattered. They should be tied in time. Everything should be placed in an accurate position.

Sister Hua originally opened a clothing company in Guangzhou and came to Dali 10 years ago.

She has opened a homestay and restaurant one after another, and there are currently eight. "I like to travel and food very much before the epidemic, run all over the world, watch all kinds of interesting houses, and those who have experienced my aesthetic space."

Sister Hua is organizing the dining table

When he opened his first homestay in Wuyishan, Sister Hua met the post -80s designer Sanmu, and she invited him to go to Xizhou March this year. Sanmu was stunned by the sky there. "Looking up is colorful and beautiful, and the surrounding cafes are also colorful. I want to highlight the beauty of nature, and the main tone of the space will use deep black."

Sanmu is good at plant landscap design. It is interior cross -border 4 years ago.

The Xixi Sky Shooting in March/Sanmu

There are two floors in the field of Fuye, and the first floor is outdoor garden, bar and kitchen. There is a small private room and the golden viewing area of ​​the rice field on the corner of the second floor.

The design of the door is American retro style, black and golden texture. The old walls also have Bai painting, and the collision between ancient and modern throughout the space.

Gate -head & outdoor garden, wrapped by Single Skill Shinjin

The plants with the most space planting are Single Shinjin, which guides people from outdoors to indoor, without text instructions.

Sanmu said, "It is red at the top, especially like a cluster of flames, like the vitality is litting the dark environment. I don't talk about Feng Shui, and the meaning of plants is artificially constructed and unfair to the tree itself. "

The Western -style bar at the entrance

On the right side of the bar, facing the window of the small private room on the first floor

One -floor dining area

Under the dim light, the mottled yellow mud walls can be seen clearly. Sanmu praised, "Don't you think the old wall is beautiful? Like the undulating mountains, it is lined with the white wall. It is beautiful if you don't need to modify it."

He is in awe of the old building, and he has hardly moved hard, and only gives the wooden wood color.

Old furniture and pottery can be seen everywhere

The corner of the small private room on the first floor

From the staircase up, to the small private room described as "the worst room" described by Sanmu: "The worst is because everyone likes to watch rice fields, and it will stay in the private room, but we still use the best ones The furniture is decorated, so that the entire restaurant has no dead ends. "

On the second floor small room view

The ancient screen is a century -old piece from Japan. The trees on it seem to grow from the Japanese samurai cabinet on the side to fill the gap in the upper part of the space. The stone chair and the table lamp were raised from the old Dali store.

Although the decoration of the private room is different, they all have the old and the old and the old are like the exquisite Japanese tea room, but also the ancient Bai courtyard. Sanmu said, "Many people want one scene in one place, not to say one place and one style, but that there are different scenery in each place, but the style is inherited."

From the stairs to the other side, it is a mottled courtyard wall, healing fields, and representative red walls of Xizhou. Sanmu feels that it is enough to put some black texture tables and chairs. "This is the best place for the landscape. You don't need to modify it at all, just provide a seat."

Looking at Cangshan from the terrace on the second floor, the blue sky and white clouds can be seen

The scenery of autumn changes from green to yellow

Different from the traditional Bai ethnic elements, Fu Shi Tian chose Italian simplified meals on the dishes. The chef Stephen feels that Italian dishes can highlight the essence of ingredients and are pure and simple.

Stephen told us, "Yunnan is a very magical place. The ingredients have strong tolerance, such as cheese, ham and vegetables. There are endless potential to be discovered. Integrating the local style of Yunnan into the cuisine. This is our restaurant. The original intention. "

Like Matsutake in Yunnan, the meat is white and tender, and the taste is thick. Use it to stew the chicken soup, the soup is delicious, and the eyebrows are fresh. The cooked matsutake that has been cooked in the low fire, smooth tender teeth, also comes with a sweetness.

The Nuo Deng ham in Yunnan is matched with the cantaloupe of Xinjiang

Nuo Dun's ham is delicious from the deep mountains of Yunnan. The fragrance is rich and the meat is tender. It is also greasy with refreshing cantaloupe.

Bakery organic melon original mushrooms in Yunnan's organic melon, high water nutrition. Boiled the sweetness and water of its sweetness, and the sweet juice was filled with a bite, and the sweet juice was filled between the lips and teeth.

Black loose sausage risotto

The highly popular black loose sausage grawing has solid ingredients. The local fresh black truffle is used, and then the black loose sauce made of Spanish olive oil is decorated. Each is a special and charming fragrance, which has endless aftertaste.

At the beginning of July, Yunnan slowly entered the rainy season, and wild bacteria were also listed one after another. More fungus delicious food would be integrated into the Italian dish of Fuxi. I look forward to it!

He Yanxian is a post -80s Chongqing. He has worked in the fashion media industry for 10 years and has been in a busy state of frequent business trips for a long time. Psychological lessons to explore life. I want to find a particularly beautiful space for physical and mental healing, and take a picture with friends who are engaged in law, design, and psychology. "

As early as many years ago, she knew Li Peiying, who was also a post -80s designer, and found the old friend when preparing a new space. Li Peiying has followed the designer Xie Ke for nearly 10 years, and he is good at presenting a natural space with simple materials.

One of the Upa Master He Yanxu

The two recalled the scene where to go to Upa for the first time in 2020. "It was raining at the time. I felt like sitting in the mountains and seeing that there was no trace of urban scene. : The "Old Rich Area" located in Yubei, Chongqing, here is a rare leisure place in hot Chongqing.

In order to isolate the hustle and bustle of the street, from the second floor of the gate, after a long corridor and garden, you can come to the main entrance of Upa. Li Peiying said frankly, "I hope everyone will come in from flowers and trees, and slowly consider to enter the room, there is a sense of quietness."

The porch uses black paint to paint outdoor wood

Upa is mainly divided into two parts. The area of ​​2/3 is to eat and drink tea. 1/3 is a healing of life. Pulling the wooden door into the plain world, the restaurant does not have too much decoration, and the neutral hue brings a sense of silence.

The entrance is winding and winding, full of handmade

The entire space retains the natural and rough appearance of the materials. "The decoration masters are handicrafts. The sand and ash used when brushing the wall are not even painted. There is a sense of native texture. "

When you are in it, you can see the scenery outside the window. "I use a lot of glass windows to separate, add a circle of green plants outside, and then match the towering trees in the distance, as if dining in the garden."

Outside the window is an additional garden and some windows use barrier paper

In order to ensure the light, Li Peiying uses part of the obstacle paper. "This material is a material for the neutralized door of Japanese architecture. It is not easy to pierced and transparently transparent, exuding a quiet oriental temperament."

Fabric uses natural hemp materials

In addition to design, food is also mixed and match, but the background color is always the East.

Chef Shawn is a native of Chongqing, who studied French food and worked in many Michelin restaurants in Shanghai. In his point of view, Oriental ingredients also have a lot of room to play. Cooking cannot blindly pursue fancy, and the deliciousness of the nature of life is more charming.

Southern Farm Farm Duck Aspit

Upa has been trying to integrate Chinese and Western dishes. For example, this South French farm duck leg, duck legs pass through oil seal in advance to ensure that the meat is crispy, and follows the tradition of the South French farm. The place is the sauerkraut of Chongqing Rongchang. This is a pickled vegetable that locals often eat when they were young, which played a good role in relieving tiredness.

And Niu Feili and Golden Tuna Mousse

He Niu Feili and Golden Tuna Mousse are the proud works of chef Shawn. Based on the raw Beef CAPACCIO, the top is tuna mousse, which embellishes Chongqing -flavored chili oil. Then use a little orange juice to balance the taste and add a refreshing flavor at the same time.

The layers of deliciousness are stacked. From the appearance, it looks like a colorful color palette, which is exquisite to make people unbearable.

Crispy butter pepper pepper roasted chicken

In Sichuan cuisine, the use of peppercorns is diverse. Shawn cleverly uses it into the grilled chicken, stir -fry the pepper, and then mix it with salt water. It is applied to the chickens that have been processed in advance, and finally coated Chongqing's unique rattan pepper oil for roasting.

The aroma of peppercorns naturally exudes it, and the slightly spicy taste expresses the Sichuan flavor to the fullest. The tender and juicy chicken, the bones are lined up as soon as they tear, the more they eat the more addicted.

Upa has a treasure garden, and also becomes their vegetable garden. Shawn planted some vanilla in the yard, perilla, Baili, rosemary, and Lales, and self -sufficient.

Summer pickled vegetables

Pickled vegetables is a summer carnival. Shawn feels that fermented pickling is a very interesting thing. The flavor of the food is upgraded through the precipitation of time, so that it is no longer single. For example, fermented shiitake mushrooms are faintly revealed with the flavor of truffles, which is very interesting.

The most common cucumber, marinated with mustard and ginger, can be directly served as small dishes.

Oil seal sweet pepper, first make it a coking treatment, let it release the smoky flavor, and then use spice oil to seal the oil, crispy and delicious. After fermentation of the small tomato, it is used to mix salad dishes, or with cloth cheese, which is exclusive to the clean and refreshing summer.

Black pork pickled vegetables and bread

This black pork pickles are the favorite of Shawn. The meat sauce stewed with Iberian plum meat is thick but not greasy. Use Chongqing's traditional roasted pepper sauce to replace Mexican hot sauce, with pickles, and apply it to the bread to enjoy it. Even the Western style, but there is the most traditional taste of Chongqing people in the inside. In the new summer menu, Upa will make some handmade yogurt. Unlike the yogurt bowl on the market, it is separated from the milk clearing and the sweetness of the yogurt to the maximum. It is not appropriate to use appetizers before meals.

Gusi Gusheng Rice

In Upa, cooking is diversified. You can feel the ultimate flavor of local high -quality ingredients. Whether it is color or taste, it is an interesting collision. Even in Chongqing, a kaleidoscope -like food city, the charm of Upa is still shining.

The Wild Island Cultural Community, where the Yanhe Temple is located, was formerly known as Dongjiang Brewery, Huizhou, Guangdong, with a history of more than 20 years. In 2019, it was reopened after it was changed to a creative park, and the restaurant's entry also attracted more people to check in.

The environment of the Wild Island Cultural Community

After the 90s, NEEYA has lived in Huizhou since childhood, and she found the post -80s designer Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng and his wife Zheng Jing are a pair of designers from Shenzhen. They like the transformation of old buildings and are good at designs from outdoor to indoor.

Designers and wife Wang Sheng and Zheng Jing in Yanhe Courtyard

The small courtyard overlooks the L -shaped corridor, connecting three different outlet entrances, connecting the stepped square and garden atrium before and after the connection. Large -area glass windows and pushing slide folding wooden windows blur the boundary of indoor and outdoor space.

NEEYA said: "Wild Island will hold markets and concerts from time to time, and the atmosphere at the scene is very good. There are many places for small courtyards to check in. I often see that there are many items on the chair but no owner. Go to take pictures. "

The interior is connected to the stairs square and the garden atrium

In order to cater to the native environment of the surrounding area, the space is mainly composed of natural color system materials. From a distance, it is almost clear beige, but it has very different texture: mud texture of rammed soil walls, sand texture with texture, rock texture cave stone brick.

Wang Sheng admits that there is a small episode, "just happened to be a batch of cave stones that were scrapped by the sun and rain. We advocated environmental protection and re -used it."

In the outdoor seat area, you can get in touch with the material

There are multiple facades and sunroofs in the space. When the natural light poured into the room, the material of the warm color system is like a simple canvas.

In addition to the outdoor attraction, Wang Sheng also planted an olives indoors. "It is surrounded by trees inside and outside the restaurant.

Large -scale glass windows, blurring indoor and outer border

Light and shadow becomes artistic decoration in the space

In the room pursuing the traces of decoration, "the walls of the entrance to the door are very thick. I opened the window and turned into a display wall. The box was boring and boring, so I chisen some patterns."

The designer did not want to buy the finished product directly, and designed the wall decoration by himself. The shape looks like a germinated seeds to combine into rice fields. The material is mirror stainless steel, which can reflect the natural scenery around.

Mirror device and natural texture soil wall

The small courtyard began to be designed last August. Christmas was completed. Guests who came to eat saw the buds of spring and rainy days through the floor -to -ceiling windows.

Wang Sheng said, "Architecture is a container to capture light. There are light and mottled trees on the wall, connecting with nature. This space is lively and flowing."

You can also feel the changes in the whole year

NEEYA has made a 7 -year meal, trying to try more affordable dishes, and also wants to simplify food and pursue the taste of food.

Simple and warm family Japanese cuisine

The main courtyard push the simple and warm Japanese -style family brief meals. The ingredients are rustic, but there is a French refinement in the plate and color.

Red Egg truffle Fili Rice

This signature red egg truffle Fili rice is NEEYA's favorite. Fili Niu Liu is marinated in advance, and then made with low temperature and slow cooking, with secret truffle juice and sterile eggs. The fragrant and non -greasy sauce is wrapped in tender beef, and the flavor is full of black loose aroma.

Pepper -pork neck meat buckwheat cold noodles

The hot weather in Guangdong and the climate in the coastal areas are always unable to lift appetite. This pepper pork neck meat buckwheat noodles are specially prepared for summer. It is made of Japanese -style cool noodles, with hot and sour sauce, sweet and sour appetizers, which is cool for summer.

Japanese -style brunch full meal

There is also a Japanese -style BRUNCH meal, which is tailor -made for the menu tangling. It includes beef, rice balls, corn bamboo shoots, and color. The variety of ingredients is very rich, one is enough to share 2-3 people.

The tableware of Yanhe Courtyard is also very distinctive. In Neeya's view, setting is a kind of aesthetics. After determining the dishes, she will imagine the type and size suitable for it. After getting it back, I will try which one is the most suitable, just like girls try clothes.

Responsible editor: Hattie

Author: Zou Wenmin

Edit: JUDY

Part of the picture source: Fu Shi & Sanmujili Hong Space Design (Pharmaceutical Photography)

Part of the picture source: heterosexual design (Li Chao) three restaurant official pictures

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