Growing 5.2%!The economic operation of the province in the first half of the year was released

Author:Shanxi Radio and Television Ra Time:2022.07.21

The economic operation of the province in the first half of the year

Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics

Shanxi Investigation Corps of the National Bureau of Statistics

July 20, 2022

In the first half of this year, in the face of the complicated and severe economic situation and super -expected unexpected factors, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government efficiently coordinated the epidemic prevention and control and the development of economic and social development. Showing stable recovery, stable development trend, the effect of steady growth policies has gradually emerged, the effectiveness of energy guarantee is obvious, the potential for domestic demand is continuously released, the quality efficiency continues to improve, the well -being of the people's livelihood has improved, and the solid foundation for the continuous and stable economic recovery.

1. The effect of steady growth is gradually emerging, and the economic operation is steady and good

In the first half of the year, especially in the second quarter, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic and external environment, the downward pressure on the province's economy increased significantly. With the refinement of the country and our province's policies and measures for the stability of the economy, the main indicators have shown a gradual development trend. In June, the province's regulations, consumption, coal output, power generation, power consumption, freight volume, and other indicators were better than April and May, and the province's economy was stable and good.

The economy has maintained rapid growth. According to the unified calculation results of the regional GDP, the GDP in the province in the first half of the year was 1156.894 billion yuan, which was calculated at an unchanged price, an increase of 5.2%over the same period of the previous year, and faster than the national (2.5%) 2.7 percentage points. 2. Among them, the added value of the first industry was 412.77 billion yuan, an increase of 5.8%; the added value of the second industry was 607.434 billion yuan, an increase of 6.9%; the value -added of the tertiary industry was 508.183 billion yuan, an increase of 3.7%.

Agricultural production will be harvested again. In the first half of the year, the value -added of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery service industry, and fishery in agriculture, forestry, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery) was 44.872 billion yuan. Based on comparable prices, it increased by 5.6%over the same period last year. Xia Fa Xi won a bumper harvest, and the production of the production reached a record high. The seeding area of ​​summer grain in the province was 8.026 million mu, a decrease of 0.3%over the previous year; the total production of summer grain was 2.452 million tons, an increase of 0.8%; the yield of summer grain per mu was 305.5 kg, an increase of 1.1%, a record high. The production of animal husbandry continues to improve. The province's pigs stocks were 7.358 million, an increase of 8.0%; the pig's outlets were 6.341 million, an increase of 16.0%. The cattle column was 323,000, an increase of 3.4%; the poultry column was 118.541 million, an increase of 13.8%. The yield of pigs and sheep and poultry was 795,000 tons, an increase of 16.3%; the yield of milk was 687,000 tons, an increase of 9.1%; the output of poultry eggs was 582,000 tons, an increase of 23.5%. The output of vegetables, fruits, and Chinese herbs increases rapidly. The output of vegetables (including edible fungi) and fruits (including fruits) increased by 7.5%, and the output of Chinese herbal medicinal materials increased by 8.2%.

Industrial production is better. In the first half of the year, the added value of industries above designated size in the province increased by 11.0%to 7.6 percentage points in the country (3.4%), ranking fourth in the country. From the perspective of the three gates, the mining industry increased by 10.8%, the manufacturing industry increased by 12.4%, and the power, thermal, gas, and water production and supply industries increased by 7.5%; from the perspective of coal and non -coal, the coal industry increased by 11.2%, and the non -coal industry growth increased 10.9%.

The service industry has recovered steadily. In the first half of the year, the value added of the service industry in the province increased by 3.7%to 1.9 percentage points in the country. Among them, the financial industry (6.2%), non -profit service industry (6.0%), and the profit -making service industry (5.7%) and other industries have obvious role.

2. Energy insurance supply is obvious, and emerging motivations continue to grow

Energy production protection is strong. The province's energy increase in supply and supply is obvious, and the continuous and stable supply of coal, gas, and electricity is available. In the first half of the year, the output of raw coal in the province was 641.393 million tons, an increase of 10.1%; the output of unconventional natural gas increased by 20.3%, and the power generation increased by 5.4%.

The new industrial new momentum has increased strong. In the first half of the year, among the industries above designated size in the province, the added value of the manufacturing industry increased by 12.4%, of which the automobile manufacturing industry increased by 28.0%, and the food industry increased by 20.1%; The growth rate. The output of new energy vehicles and photovoltaic batteries increased by 2.8 times and 8.7%, respectively, continuing the rapid growth of this year.

The rapid development of emerging service industries such as the Internet. In the first half of the year, among the province's service industry, the value -added of information transmission, software and information technology services increased by 12.7%, and scientific research and technical service industries increased by 7.3%. From January to May, among the province's regulations, the operating income of the Internet and related service industries increased by 97.5%, and the software and information technology service industry increased by 27.5%. 3. The investment structure is continuously optimized, and the consumer demand is stable to recover

The investment structure continues to optimize. In the first half of the year, the province's fixed asset investment increased by 5.4%. From the perspective of three industries, the investment in secondary industry, especially industrial investment, has led growth. Investment of the first industry increased by 3.4%; investment in the second industry increased by 16.7%, of which industrial investment increased by 16.7%, which was significantly faster than the province's investment growth rate; investment in the tertiary industry decreased by 0.9%. From the perspective of the industry, manufacturing, especially high -tech manufacturing investment, has led growth. Manufacturing investment increased by 12.9%, of which high -tech manufacturing investment increased by 30.8%, the investment in equipment manufacturing industry increased by 19.4%, and the pharmaceutical industry investment increased by 12.7%, and the growth rate was significantly faster than the province's investment. From the perspective of the project, the investment in new projects has increased strongly. The investment in new projects in the province increased by 34.7%, of which 50 million yuan and above projects increased by 35.2%.

Market consumption has recovered stable. In the first half of the year, the total retail sales of consumer goods in the province was 358.58 billion yuan, a decrease of 1.4%, of which in June increased by 3.5%. From the perspective of urban and rural areas, the retail sales of urban consumer goods were 291.32 billion yuan, a decrease of 1.2%; the retail sales of rural consumer goods were 67.25 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.0%; in terms of consumer form, the retail sales of goods were 324.47 billion yuan, a decrease of 1.5%; 0.1%. Online retail sales of 38.29 billion yuan, an increase of 11.5%. The retail sales of consumer goods above the province were 13105 billion yuan, an increase of 0.5%; of which in June increased by 8.7%. Upgrade consumption potential continues to be released. The retail sales of new energy vehicles above the province increased by 1.6 times, smartphones increased by 82.4%, and computers and supporting products increased by 36.8%.

Fourth, the development of quality and efficiency continues to improve, and the financial guarantee is effective.

Corporate profits have increased significantly. From January to May, the province's regulatory industrial enterprises achieved a profit of 182.81 billion yuan, an increase of 87.7%; the operating income was 1565.95 billion yuan, an increase of 42.6%. The provincial service industry enterprises realized operating income of 159.81 billion yuan, an increase of 16.3%.

Fiscal revenue has grown rapidly. In the first half of the year, the general public budget revenue of the province was 18.29 billion yuan, an increase of 28.6%, which was significantly faster than the country (-7.9%), and the growth rate ranked second in the country. Among them, 80.4%of tax revenue increased by 42.9%. From the perspective of tax income increase projects, the main tax has grown rapidly, corporate income tax increases by 1.1 times, resource tax increases by 98.6%, and personal income tax increases by 29.0%. The general public budget expenditure in the province was 272.72 billion yuan, an increase of 7.2%.

Financial security is effective. At the end of June, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in the province was 5212.94 billion yuan, an increase of 16.9%over the same period last year, and an increase of 531.55 billion yuan from the beginning of the year; the balance of various loans was 3635.99 billion yuan, an increase of 10.3%, an increase of 214.50 billion yuan from the beginning of the year at the beginning of the year. Yuan.

Fifth, residents' income grows steadily, and the guarantee of people's livelihood and well -being is strong

Basic lifestyle sales are stable. In the first half of the year, the sales of basic domestic products such as daily necessities, food, beverage, and alcohol, and Chinese and Western medicines in the province were stable, with a stable increase of basic living commodities, an increase of 11.8%, 9.1%, and 3.8%, respectively.

Investment in the field of people's livelihood has increased significantly. In the first half of the year, in the province's fixed asset investment, residents' services, repair and other service industries increased 3.5 times, and the cultural, sports and entertainment industry increased by 40.7%, and health and social work increased by 27.5%.

The pace of increasing income increase in urban and rural residents has accelerated. In the first half of the year, the per capita disposable income of residents in the province was 13,395 yuan, an increase of 6.1%, and the growth rate was 1.4 percentage points in the country. From the perspective of urban and rural areas, the per capita disposable income of urban residents is 18,588 yuan, an increase of 5.4%, which is 1.8 percentage points in the country; the per capita disposable income of rural residents is 7099 yuan, an increase of 6.1%, faster than 0.3 percentage points across the country.

Market prices rose moderately. In the first half of the year, the consumer prices of residents in the province rose 1.8%. From the perspective of classification, the price of food tobacco and alcohol rose 1.9%, clothing rose 1.6%, daily necessities and services rose 0.6%, traffic and communication rose 5.7%, educational culture and entertainment rose 1.8%, medical care rose 0.1 0.1 %, Other supplies and services rose 1.0%. In June, consumer prices in the province rose 2.9%.

The employment situation is generally stable. In the first half of the year, the province's urban and towns were newly added 275,000, and the annual target was 61.1%; the province's rural labor transfer employment was 321,000, and the annual target was 97.4%.

In general, the effectiveness of stable economic policies in the first half of this year is obvious. The province's economy overwhelming exceptional factors has adversely affected the factors, and achieved stable recovery and stable development. The achievements are not easy to cherish.However, it is also necessary to see that external instability and uncertainties have increased significantly, the impact of the new crown epidemic still exists, and the foundation of continuous economic recovery needs to be further consolidated.In the second half of the year, the whole province should accelerate the implementation of various policies and measures to stabilize the economy, promote industrial development, expand effective investment, boost consumer demand, stimulate motivation, stimulate motivation for the development of "the epidemic should be defended, the economy must be stabilized."Vitality, continuously improving people's livelihood, contributing to the basic market of stabilizing the economic and social development of the province, and welcoming the 20th CPIC of the Party with actual actions and outstanding achievements.Video: Shanxi News Network

Text: Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics

Graphic production: Shanxi Radio and Television Finance Media

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