On July 23, Inner Mongolia launched a major event!It's about the improvement of digital literacy and skills of the whole people

Author:Inner Mongolia Daily Time:2022.07.21

In order to thoroughly implement the "Outline of the Nutrition and Skills Action of the All -People", in accordance with the unified deployment of the Central Cyberspace Office and the requirements of the Autonomous Region Party Committee's Network Information Commission, the autonomous region plans to launch the 2022 national digital literacy and skill improvement on July 23.

activity theme

Digital empowering the whole people to share

Activity time

The promotion month was launched with the national digital literacy and skill improvement on the same period on July 23, 2022, which was about one month.

Key activity

1. The launching ceremony

2. "Digital Wisdom North Xinjiang · Calculation Network Symbiosis" The first "East Digital West Calculation" computing power network summit forum

3. The theme exhibition activity of "Improve the Nutrition and Skills of the People"

4. "Digital Skills Enter the Community" activity

5. Topical sub -forum

A little more news

Digital literacy and skills are the collection, production, use, evaluation, interaction, sharing, innovation, safety guarantee, ethical and morality, etc. of digital social citizens' learning and work and life.

Improving the digital literacy and skills of the whole people is a strategic task that complies with the requirements of the digital age, enhance the quality of the national quality, and promote the comprehensive development of people. Essence (Reporter Song Shuang)

Source: grassland all media

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