"This is the honor given to me by the party, let future generations remember history.

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.07.21

Qilu.com · Lightning News, July 21st, each section of the costume experience, dedicated to youthful years; each military object is carried by red memory. The "August 1st" Army Festival is approaching. The 98 -year -old Texas Elderly Zhu Lanting has collected him for more than 70 years of military items and donated to the Texas Archives for free.

"Thank you for your donation!" Not long ago, the staff of the Texas Archives came to the home of Zhu Lanting's elderly and sent a collection certificate to the elderly. The old people's coffee tables are neatly placed in military uniforms, revolutionary soldiers certificates, credit certificates, volunteers joining the party, and military merits. Feeling, it is still brand new.

Zhu Lanting's son, Zhu Jianjun, said, "Usually my father put these items in the bag, he also had to add locks, basically not let us move. He felt that these were more precious things in his life."

The 98 -year -old Zhu Lanting was enlisted in Leling City, Texas in 1947. These military items have been treasured since then, recording his military life and youth glory. Today, the elderly have decided to donate them all to guide future generations to remember history and cultivate their feelings of their country.

Zhu Lanting said, "I take one step, it is a step with one step, this is what the Communist Party gave me and gives me honor. Donate to make future generations remember history and better educate future generations."

The Texas Archives Management used Miao Xin, deputy department chief of the section, said, "After we go back, we will first register and take pictures of each collection, and then repair the files that are damaged and need to be repaired, and finally choose to display and keep it. "

Lightning News reporter Liu Zhen, intern Zheng Na, Texas Liang Xue Xu Yan, Texas Report

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