Latest release!Taiyuan Epidemic Prevention and Control Office July 21 Health Tips

Author:Taiyuan Daily Time:2022.07.21

31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 148 new local diagnosis cases, and 678 symptoms of natives were not infected. In order to further build the "external defense input and internal defense rebound" defense line, and resolutely keep the hard -control prevention and control results, the municipal epidemic prevention and control office health reminder:

1. Within 7 days, there is a domestic epidemic risk zone return (delegation) and personnel, especially since July 13th, Shuanglin Street, Jinnan District, Tianjin, Donghai Street and Jianshan Street, Donghai District, Hexi District; Dapeng New District, Shenzhen City; Xinchang Town, Pudong New District, Shanghai, Taopu Town, Putuo District, Paoshan District, and Yiyi Road Street; Qingyang District, High -tech Zone, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, Chongqing City, Suining City; Wan Sheng Economic Development Zone; Chengguan District, Anning District, Qilihe District, and Red Ancient District of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, Zhangjiachuan County, Tianshui City, Huining County, Baiyin City, and Lintong County, Dingxi City, and the trajectory of the above -mentioned cases of the above cases will return (Delivery) Personnel should actively report to the residential community (village), units or stays in hotels, and cooperate with the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid detection, isolation observation, and health monitoring.

2. Community (village) should play a role of grid staff, carry out in -depth and meticulous investigation, comprehensively grasp the bottom number of risk personnel in the jurisdiction, implement the requirements of home isolation medical observations, health monitoring and control requirements, prevent disassembly out of control, and guide the province outside the province within 7 days. The return (delegation) of living history and personnel to log in to the "Taiyuan Quarantine Registration Information System" in advance for pre -registration of quarantine. Hotels, hotels, and all employers shall implement the responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control subject, and report to the community (village) in a timely manner to have the situation of people living in the history of low -and medium -high risk areas within 7 days, and cooperate with the community (village) to control and control.

3. Please consciously abide by the various epidemic prevention and control regulations, develop good habits such as diligent hand -washing, constant ventilation, mealing system, use of public chopsticks, and maintaining safety social distances. When fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell, smell (flavor) suspicious symptoms such as new crown pneumonia, etc., go to the nearby hot kidnapper or designated medical institutions for consultation and investigation, and truthfully inform the history of living and contact. Take public transport.

Fourth, strict abide by the prevention and control of epidemic conditions is an important measure to prevent the spread of new crown pneumonia, and it is also the obligation of the majority of citizens. For those who fail to report the itinerary in a timely manner and refuse to fulfill the obligations of the epidemic prevention and control, they will investigate the corresponding responsibilities in accordance with laws and regulations.

Office of Taiyuan Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group Office

July 21, 2022

Source: Office of Taiyuan Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group

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