"Stone": Sticking to yourself is the most correct thing

Author:Smile Reading Time:2022.07.21

Life often needs to make choices. It is big to career direction, love destination, small to dressed diet, daily life, and pile parts need to determine the direction. Faced with various choices, do you obey other people's advice, or obey your heart?

American scholar John William's "Stato" was unpredictable in life and almost built a tree. But he always obeyed his inner voice, insisted on being himself, and lived as his ideal look.

The novel "Stone" is hailed as "one of the greatest works of the last century" and "unquestionable literary classics".

When facing the choice of life, we often have a distress, and we don't know what to do. However, "Stone" tells us that obeying the voice of his heart can dominate his own life; adhere to the bottom line of principles, can you live real and powerful; good and sharp, can you be brave to face all unfairness.

01 Listen to the heart and dominate life

French thinker Monada once said: "The greatest thing in the world is a person who knows how to be his own master."

Listening to the sound is the most important thing for individuals. Learn to obey yourself and control your life. Don't blindly obey others and become an accessory for others' consciousness.

The protagonist of "Stone" was born in the countryside, and his parents are also authentic rural people. With the expectations of parents, Stonner followed his parents' wishes to enter the university to study agriculture in order to return to the hometown with rich knowledge to build this land.

But a literary elective course, he found that what he really loved was agricultural but literature.

Do you continue to learn agriculture to go home to help your parents, or do you insist on your love? Is it responsible for his son, or insist on his inner love?

This problem has plagued Stone for a while, but he finally chose to obey his heart -he was a literary teacher after graduation.

After the graduation ceremony, his parents wanted him to return to the farm together, and he refused.

Parents helplessly accepted this fact.

"If you think you should stay here to read your book, then you should do this. Your mother and I can deal with it."

In this simple word, there is helplessness, respect, and expectation.

Stone was full of apology to his parents, and his parents made his best to go to school, but he disappointed his parents.

But Stone knows more clearly that if he does not do this, his life will spend the rest of his life in his heart.

Persistence of self -courage is the essential key to explore the road of self.

Narri ran in "Rebirth in One Year": "People have two lives, the first time came to this world, and the second time I know why they come to this world. Everything starts with awareness."

It is difficult to obey the choice in the heart, but it is also the most important thing in life. If you know why you come to this world, you may live as a real you.

Life, because of your bravery and beauty, because of your persistence.

02 Persist in the principle and live out the true self

I have heard a word: "No matter what you are born, it has nothing to do with the purpose, but you must have a way to be a man."

The so -called way of being a man refers to the principle of being a person and a field of uncompromising.

It is especially important to be in a material era with diverse values ​​and temptation.

Only by adhering to the principle can a person find his own position in the vast world and keep his dignity and future.

When reading the book "Stone", Stonner faced malicious difficulties and always adhered to his inner principles. This persistence was shocking and moved.

A student who had a good relationship with his boss deliberately made trouble in his class. Stonner was unwilling to get used to each other and decisively rejected the students to pass the exam. Stonner hates speculation and resolutely prevents academic injustice from becoming a teacher.

His decision caused his boss dissatisfaction and encountered a lot of unfair treatment. But he never retreated, still adhered to his principles and kept the bottom line in his heart.

Japanese "Shangsheng" Inamori often asks himself: "As a person, what is correct?"

He said: "The correct guidelines for being a person are, upright, diligent, humble, persistent, adhere to self -Eli and so on."

For a while, Japanese companies were fighting for real estate that they were scared. Many people also persuaded Inamori and husbands to start. Even people from banks took the initiative to provide loans.

He believes that this is a wealth of injustice, and it comes quickly and go fast.

Based on this criterion, he judged that the money should not make money. Facing the temptation of huge profits, he did not lose himself and always insisted on being himself.

The road that should be taken bravely, even if the road is covered with thorns, full of temptation, you should go bravely and firmly.

Persevere principles, tempering the mind, and enhancing the soul is the meaning of life that everyone should pursue.

Ordinary such as Stone, Excellence, Ruyosheng, who is in the pure land of adherence to principles, the pure land of the soul, and being a brave of life.

03 The courage to fight, reveal the sharpness

Many times, when we argue with others, we are in the attitude of peace and peace, and comfort ourselves: "Forget it, can the dog bite you, can you bite back?"

As everyone knows, behind the forbearance is grievances. Blind tolerance will lose their dignity, which will lead to the other party more arrogant and intensified.

Being a person must not only be kind, but also a bit sharp. This is a compulsory course on everyone's growth.

In the book "Stone", he has always been docile and obedient, and Stone, who is polite, also has his own edge.

In his war with his boss Laomanks, he initially made it tolerance, but the other party intensified and even more reckless suppressing him. Stone finally decided not to bear it and bravely lift the banner of rights protection. This long counterattack ended with Stone's victory.

We need to eat a lot of suffering in our lives and have been sinned in order to finish this long way to life. Life is so difficult, why do you have to suffer faults for others?

I saw a very real thing when I brushed Weibo today: "The suffering flows to the people who have suffered."

Many of the suffering in life are imposed by others. We can never eat these sufferings, but if your kindness becomes an excuse for others to insult you, then there will only be more suffering you encounter.

So the more kind people, the more you need to improve the bottom line. The edge of the outside is your kind of kindergarten armor, so that your kindness has positive feedback, and the next time you do good will be more firm.

When it comes to Guo Degang, many people think that Guo Degang will report and be jealous.

But many people don't know that he broke into Beijing three times, could not afford the rent, could not afford a taxi, and could not afford a cold medicine. In order to survive, he used to run a dragon suit, do drama, miscellaneous, and do zero workers. As long as you give money, do everything.

However, the suffering of life did not alleviate because of his efforts. When he was in trouble, he still suppressed him, and the people around him left him for the benefit.

He just rely on a stubbornness to fight against fate, and fought positively with the enemy to win the current glory.

Just as Yu Qian evaluated him: "Whoever wants to do one thing must come by the struggle. Guo Degang's character has caused him to lead Deyun Club to this position today."

A person's personality is accumulated from his past experience. To learn to struggle and learn to reveal the sharpness, in order to live a little easier to live in a difficult living environment.

Guo Degang said: "The virtue of a meal must be paid, and the grievances must be reported."

Kindness is a worthy of those who are worthless. For those who are not willing, they must be brave to fight and reveal their sharpness.

04 Write at the end

The cover of "Stone" reads such a sentence: "Even if you can't have a perfect life, fortunately pursue a complete self."

Some readers believe that this book describes the ordinary life of a loser, but I don't think so.

Although Stone is ordinary, can it be a perfect life according to her own mind?

At the fork of life, obey the inner voice;

Facing the choice in life, you can also adhere to the principles and live the true self;

The attack on others was courageous to fight, revealing the sharpness that kind people should have.

His life is insisting on himself, isn't this worthy of our admiration?

The hardest thing in life is to persist in ourselves, but this is also our most correct choice.


Author | Ah. Sunlight

Edit | Beibei

Picture | Network (if you infringe, please contact delete)

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