State Grid Bazhong Power Supply Company: "Three" compact promoting new measures for Chuangwen Paper Insurance

Author:Consumer Quality News Time:2022.06.15

This year, the National Civilized Unit State Grid Bazhong Power Supply Company participated in the establishment of a national civilized city. Promote the work of Chuangwen Pack Inspection, really "bag" work, and to "guarantee" the effectiveness.

Pay attention to and organize it carefully. Establish an office of Chuangwen, specifically responsible for creating work, formulating the work plan to participate in the creation of the contracting insurance, clarify the task list, establish a work account, the main leaders personally grasp, the leaders in charge of the leadership, the creation of the creation of the creation of the creation of the creation of the creation of the creation of the creation of the lead and cooperation The task has been decomposed to the relevant departments in a timely manner, and it is responsible for the layer and the implementation of the layers. A special meeting is held to the relevant issues of the Baobao community, and the special meetings are held to urge and sort out and coordinate and solve difficult problems.

Strengthen publicity and create an atmosphere in place. By holding special meetings, all employee conferences and community dams, mobilization, layers of communication, mobilize cadres, employees and community residents to recognize the situation, unify ideas to the work of creating texts, and carry out multiple forms and measures to carry out household entry households. Questionnaire propaganda work, use at noon, night, and weekend breaks to dock with community staff. The company's normalization of volunteer services, hygiene in the guarantee package area, non -motorized vehicle parking specifications, household propaganda and other work. Together into the Bao Bao Community Huifeng Pavilion's third resident group Yangjiaping, to install a rustic in a dirty and rural car washing shop, Yuyei Wing, and Bo Run Four Seasons, etc. The colorful and well -known mass cultural life attracts the masses to actively participate in the creation of civilization, and positively guide and enhance the civilized literacy of the masses.

Multiple mistakes, pay close attention to implementation. Recently, Bazhong City focused on the establishment of the 7th national civilized city target positioning, and vigorously carried out special rectification of "flying lines" such as electricity and communications to completely solve the hidden dangers and urban chaos caused by the "flying line" to create a clean and orderly city capacity. City appearance and improvement of urban people's living environment. Vigorously strengthen the "flying line" governance of the urban -rural binding department of the third resident group of the Huifeng Baobao Community, to formulate a special action formulation plan for the front of the front flying line and the well cover to investigate and rectify, establish a topical ledger, implement step by step, and investigate comprehensive investigation. Do not leave dead ends; do a good job of rectifying the hidden dangers of the table box, comprehensively clean up the accounts and control of the account, do a good job of standardized management work with electrical tablets, sperm boxes, low -voltage line hidden dangers, and messy users.

After special rectification, the original "flying wires" of the main roads, secondary roads, and back streets and alleys were gone. The main lines on the electric pole were arranged in an orderly manner. The departments of the Ministry, Marketing Department, Material Supply Sub -Center, Power Supply Office and other departments conducted a pull -net investigation on the irregular situation of the power lines in the list, formulated rectification plans on the spot, and simultaneously carried out construction intersections. At present, the hidden danger treatment of 380 hidden dangers in the Bazhou District and Economic Development Zone has been completed by moving tables, re -wiring, and piercing pipes. (Xie Hong)

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