The city's highway implementation!These vehicles in the South China Sea must be driving on the right!

Author:South China Sea Release Time:2022.07.21

Drivers pay attention!

Foshan City Highway

Perform trucks above the medium -sized or higher

Please know each other!

Highway in Guangdong Province

Perform trucks above the medium -sized or higher

"Sub -models, sub -lanes" drive

The highway in Guangdong Province implemented the "division of models and lanes", medium -heavy trucks (yellow truck trucks), large and medium -sized passenger cars (yellow cards) for right traffic control, and large -speed transportation vehicles traveled to the middle when driving road bridges.

One -way two -car road section

Mid -heavy trucks and large and medium -sized passenger cars should be driving on the right lane. You can use the left lane temporarily overtaking by allowing the overtaking section. After overtaking, you should quickly drive back to the right lane under the premise of ensuring safety.

One -way three lanes and above sections

Mid -heavy trucks and large and medium -sized passenger cars should be driving on the right side of the lane (three lane sections) or the right -hand two lanes (four lanes and above sections). Under the premise of safety, quickly drive back to the right -side lane (three -car road section) or the right -hand two lanes (four lanes and above sections).

The implementation of high -speed trucks and large and medium -sized passenger cars on the right side of the highway can effectively reduce the risk of road accidents and help the overall efficiency of highways.

According to Article 44 and 78 of the Implementation Regulations of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, there are more than 2 motor lanes in the same direction of roads, fast lanes on the left, slow lanes on the right, and highway highways the left most left. The lowest speed limit of the side lane is 100 kilometers per hour, while the maximum speed limit speed limit of medium heavy trucks and large and medium -sized passenger cars is 100 kilometers per hour, which means that medium -heavy trucks and large and medium -sized passenger cars can only drive on the right lane and cannot be on the far left side. Lane driving.

So, the problem is!

Large and medium passenger cars and medium heavy trucks

How is it classified?

Hurry up and take a look!

Large medium passenger car

Large passenger car

The car grows more than or equal to 6000mm or the number of passenger cars with greater than or equal to 20 people.

Medium -sized passenger car

The car length is less than 6000mm and the number of people rides is 10 to 19.

Medium -heavy cargo car

Heavy cargo car

The total mass is greater than or equal to 12000kg cargo car.

Medium -sized cargo car

The car grows more than or equal to 6000mm cargo vehicles, or the total mass is greater than or equal to 4500kg and less than 12000kg.


You can check the driving license

Determine the model you drive

all above

Is everyone get?

Please forward to remind your friends!

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